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Changes to soliciting ratings/file of the month votes


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I'm curious as to how this update will work, what minimum rating does a file need before it gets converted to a thumbs up? What happens to files with a rating of say 1/10. Do they still get rated as thumbs up, or a thumbs down if they are included?
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i was thinking about that too.


perhaps any rating of 1-5 wouldn't be counted,


then any rating of 6-10 would be a "thumbs up".


this simplifies any calculations needed for the transition


and would leave all present mods with total ratings


cleansed of any unsightly blemishes upon their reputation.


n.b. bearing in mind that all of this is merely hypothetical conjecture and still off topic.

Edited by Verbal Earthworm
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Not knowing exactly what Dark0ne had decided on, if we use what happened with the image share ratings for example. It can be assumed (make and a$$ of u and me), that ratings 7 and up will be converted to a thumbs up and ratings from 6 down will be deleted and not considered in the end score.


Conjecture on my part, but is what I expect ; that something similar will be done.



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being relatively new to this site or any like it, i was unaware that the image share ratings had already undergone this rating-system-overhaul.


if 7-10 was used to count the revamped "thumbs up" totals then i daresay that it would follow suit for any future overhauls.


7-10 would still leave a fair pile of "thumbs" for any mods that enjoy current popularity.


i was working with obvious averages and have no real experience in the realms of decimal deliberation.

Edited by Verbal Earthworm
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Some mods will be cast out of the Top 100 if the conversion to of 7-10 to thumbs up is done. Notably the mods with not so much ratings but only high ones which managed to get to the top 100. Well no system is perfect anyway.


Windom Earle's Crash Prevention System (a must have mod) for instance at rank 45 with only 94 ratings is sure to fall out because there are lot of mods not in the top 100 actually with more than 94 ratings at 7 or above... In addition to the fact that asking for rating will be forbidden is quite sure to make some of the good mod to fall into... Oblivion because most people just don't vote/rate if you do not ask them.

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I don't know if this been specifically suggested already, but along with an overall thumbs up/thumbs down system (which it sounds like most people are talking about), have an optional breakdown of categories such as artwork, sound, functionality, convenience, coolness, whatever. Users who give an overall vote could also optionally vote thumbs up/down on any or all of the categories, but they would not be considered in any site rankings - only visible on the mod page for other users to get some more detailed info.

Any site rankings would only be based on the overall thumbs up/down.


Anyway, I'm sure whatever you guys decide on will be as adequate as any rating system can be.

Edited by HugePinball
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So glad this is finally changing. After seeing several heavily broken beta projects get file of the month because the modder simply asked for it I was frustrated at the community. Nice to see I wasn't the only one.
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