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Changes to soliciting ratings/file of the month votes


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That is ok as is giving the kudo's for the comments; the solicitation of ratings/votes is not, it is when some are stating rate my mod and I will give you kudo's causes an issue, a quid pro quo or a scratch my back and I will scratch yours kind of crosses the line.
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I deliberately don't download, comment on, rate nor give kudos to any mod authors who write in bright colors that us downloaders should praise them by voting and rating. I always thought it rather rude to demand that people do so. It's not a popularity contest. None of my mods for Fallout or Oblivion ever got into the Top 100, and I certainly don't care.

Are some people so insecure and shallow that they must have their mods in some list just to say how 'cool' they are, how better than everyone else they are?


I very rarely vote, rarely rate but hand out kudos to those who deserve it, not demand or ask for it. I'm all for the changes regarding soliciting. Which reminds me, the last mod I looked at needs reporting ;)

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I think most people have seen demands (or 'Strong Encouragement') and/or strong requests ('General Encouragement') from one author or another; I wouldn't wish to question that.


I would not lump reminders or notifications ('Gentle Encouragement') together with the above.


I have been wondering lately of any real impact that merely providing a link in the description tab with a reminder that someone *can* rate or vote (in addition to any constructive criticism they may have to offer) could have.


I personally wouldn't consider a mere link in the description tab to be solicitation unless it attempted to extort or manipulate ratings or votes from an audience with demands, threats, bribery, strong requests, or false claims.


I recant my position of "I have no real opinion"; as I seem to have formed one since my last message and reading the back comments.


I don't personally think a mere hyper-link to vote or rate in the description should be considered solicitation or require punitive action unless it is accompanied by threats, extortion, demands, requests, or use of language that would indicate active solicitation.


EDIT:...I hope I haven't worded this too stongly; This is just an opinion, not an attempt to influence events...



P.S. - As long as we're being forthright about mod incentives:

-I admit to awarding Kudos' for posting bug reports since my very earliest mods (if I can reproduce the bug); It has really helped me support the mods and I intend to continue this practice.

-I *do* advertise this feedback incentive in the Description Tab, and I actively solicit Bug Reports from my 'Beta Teste...'err, I mean 'End Users' (not that any of this is related to the Issue of Top50 or F.o.t.M.).


FYI - Did you notice: all my paragraphs begin with "I". My Engrish teacher would be so proud, especially of my speling.

Edited by einherjrar
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I deffinately think it has an impact, an example:

May 2009:


1)Weather: Highest number of votes in fo3nexus history: 181

Still soliciting votes for FOTM


2)Project Valhalla: 3rd highest number of votes in fo3 history: 119 votes.

Even though PV was a complete disappointment and in my opinion completely unplayable it still got 2nd place, still solicting votes votes for FOTM


3) Drivable Motorcycle

Still soliciting votes for FOTM


4)Wasteland Travellers

Still soliciting votes for FOTM


5)Stalker Mod

Still soliciting votes for FOTM


^ All 5 winners STILL haven't removed the "Please vote" from their description


If we look back:

April: GTS - Was Soliciting


March: FOOK - Was not soliciting


Feb: Marts Mutant Mod - Was solicing


Jan: Ultimate Perk Pack: STILL soliciting



Winners who were soliciting: 4/5

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I think you are confusing Requests with Reminders;


All the mods you listed (and many you did not) were actively soliciting votes.

-That these mods included a hyperlink to Vote or Rate should not be much of a problem; It is the language that was attached to those Hyperlinks that should be the problem.


-If I say "Vote or I will remove this mod forever", this demand is certainly solicitation (especially if accompanied by false claims or bribery).


-If I say "Please Vote, blah" and provide a hyperlink, this request is probably solicitation.


-If I provide a hyperlink that states very plainly "This is a Vote Button", accompanied by NO attempts to bribe, beguile, bedazzle, or otherwise siphon votes;

What is the real harm in providing a link in the description to a site function that a number of people seem to be overlooking?


Nearly every mod I have seen containing rate/vote hyperlinks has been accompanied by demands or requests.

Certainly most of the previous FotM have it (or had it).


If I thought that it wouldn't be considered solicitation by any of the moderator staff I'd add a hyperlink vote button unaccompanied by any language resembling advertisement or solicitation and merely provide a link to vote or rate.



This is a Vote Button

This is a Rate Button


There is a difference here; I hope someone can recognize it.



P.S. - also, I have seen a couple files posted on other sites redirecting user traffic to their page and providing solicitation on other sites (which also provide link or beg for rates or votes).

Edited by einherjrar
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Honestly, why does anyone need another button reminding them to vote or give kudos? You know, commercials don't ask you or tell you to go and buy the product - actually, some do, so I'm going to shift the point I'm trying to make and say this: why do some modders aim for commercialism?


*EDIT: Initially, I wanted so say that the damage is done from the moment you see the commercial, no matter what form or shape it is presented in.

Edited by SteGab1979
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sometimes, when i attempt to click the Comment button quickly, i miss and hit the Vote-for-FotM button, it's that highly apparent.


alternately, i think more people in general would rate a mod if the tiny [rate] link was made more apparent.


it's too wee.

Edited by Verbal Earthworm
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i believe it is not good to place links to the rating, file of the month, or kudos. on your file but we need a tutorial on this and TES Nexus explaining to new users how they can use these systems up until 2 months after i originally joined i did not know of how to do this let alone wanted to figure it out which left allot of files i thought deserved a rating without one.


short story here is Place a tutorial up and make it clearly visible for new members to learn how to use the nexus systems properly on there own and maybe people will get general ratings without soliciting because the fact of the matter is not everyone is a genius web designer who can use every site without issues.


the nexus websites voting systems are confusing.


and no offense to anyone the #1 rule of web design is to design your site as if everyone was a total idiot for usability.

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