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Changes to soliciting ratings/file of the month votes


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The ratings on the file page are a straight average, the computation for the top 100/50 use this formula:


This page gives a true bayesian estimate of the top rated mods in the file database using formula:


weighted rating (WR) = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C



R = average for the file (mean) = (Rating)

v = number of votes for the file = (votes)

m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 100 (currently 50)

C = the mean vote across the whole database (currently 9.19)


All of this will become irrelevant shortly with the implementation of the new ratings system..



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how come this has already been implemented on tesnexus, but not on FO3 nexus???
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Because it is easier to fix things once on one site than it is to do things twice. When the bugs and problems are worked out it will be implemented on fallout3nexus.



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i was wondering what had happened to this,

now i know.


i have never been to TesNexus...(or Texas for that matter)


looking forward to seeing whatever it is that dezdimona loves on FO3Nexus.




yay! i was clicking stuff and all the changes suddenly happened on FO3Nexus.


a zillion times better than before.


@ Dark0ne: thank you very much for your hard work, it's greatly appreciated. :)

Edited by Verbal Earthworm
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  • 3 months later...
I've been more or less gone a while, and I want to say that the new rating system is awesome! Also, thanks for getting rid of Warthug. Yay for not being made nauseous by his rude self important posts anymore.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can we get obligated comments for "I wont endorse this file" ?


It is really frustrating for modders when someone clicks on the "I couldn't get the file to work" and doesen't ask for

any help.

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