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Un-modded game ctd's randomly


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Heyas Aiyatani. Nah it's a good system. It may need a bit of a boost is all. Not saying that it will, just that it might. But yeah, you want to watch your task manager to see how things go.

And don't feel bad. I have a light gaming system. I bought it as a Christmas present for myself. And it only came with 8 gigs of ram too! ;)

Ram is one of those things that they skimp on, to help keep the cost down. And considering that for a pretty easy upgrade, it's only about 30-40 dollars at most, it definitely helps.

But yeah, just keep an eye on things for now, and we will see how things go. And take care of your power management settings. ;)


HA! Yes there is a mod for everything! Or... almost everything :D


OBTW - From your quote. That was a really good movie. Even better as a comic, but a really good movie :thumbsup:

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Hi! Glad to see another person that likes this game enough to buy it twice. lol :tongue: I've played skyrim for years so I'm acquainted with crashes for no good reason. xD

I don't see a this pc icon on my desktop, but I went in and found that my processor is a Intel® Core i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz and under display adapters it say's Intel® HD Graphics 630. Hopefully that's what your asking for. If not I'll look for what you need. I'm using a HP from walmart basically. All I could afford at the time. :/


I have bandizip that should work to open it. Okay I'll download it and take a look. I would like to keep the intro at least for now. Be a way to learn what line to alter later if I change my mind. The grass shouldn't be a big issue. This is a post apocalyptic world so it would make sense grass would be missing honestly.


Thank you for being so helpful I didn't think anyone would answer me.

And there is the problem.... Beth games REALLY don't like integrated video..... Proc is good, just need a real video card.


I'm hoping to find a fix that doesn't require me replacing pc parts. I don't have the money right now. :/


Ok sorry to double post, I didn't see this before I wrote.


Yeah, when it comes to video cards, that really is not cheap. :(

But, that Ram usage is severe. Your card is eating a lot of memory, to run the game. Have you installed the .ini settings that I gave you?

I know that you'd said that you wanted to go thru the game without mods, to get the accomplishments.


I very strongly recommend that you try this out. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1204

It's only an archive file. And I don't think that it will count as a modded game as far as accomplishments. What this mod does is changes the textures. To ones that are much more optimized for gaming, than the poor excuse that Bethesda put into the game.

The ini file that I gave for you, is already prepared to have mods like this.


Trying to think of ways to get your memory usage down.

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Even something like a 1660TI would be a major improvement. The biggest problem you have now is, your ram is shared between the game, and the vid card. You don't have lot to begin with, so, any that is taken by the vid card, cuts into performance. Installing a vid card with it's own dedicated memory will be a big help.

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Heyas Aiyatani. Nah it's a good system. It may need a bit of a boost is all. Not saying that it will, just that it might. But yeah, you want to watch your task manager to see how things go.

And don't feel bad. I have a light gaming system. I bought it as a Christmas present for myself. And it only came with 8 gigs of ram too! :wink:

Ram is one of those things that they skimp on, to help keep the cost down. And considering that for a pretty easy upgrade, it's only about 30-40 dollars at most, it definitely helps.

But yeah, just keep an eye on things for now, and we will see how things go. And take care of your power management settings. :wink:


HA! Yes there is a mod for everything! Or... almost everything :D


OBTW - From your quote. That was a really good movie. Even better as a comic, but a really good movie :thumbsup:


Glad I'm not alone at least. I'll look into expanding the ram if I can figure it out. If that's all it costs I should be able to get it. I'll keep an eye on it as much as I can and fix my power settings.

This pc was the first thing I bought for myself with my own money. I managed to play through the arcjet mission with Danse last night without issue so it may just be a save frequently thing for right now until I can get more ram.


Mods for things we need and things we probably don't lol. :tongue:


The movies are one of my favorites. I've even seen some of the tv show they had for a while. I didn't know about the comic. :o






Hi! Glad to see another person that likes this game enough to buy it twice. lol :tongue: I've played skyrim for years so I'm acquainted with crashes for no good reason. xD

I don't see a this pc icon on my desktop, but I went in and found that my processor is a Intel® Core i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz and under display adapters it say's Intel® HD Graphics 630. Hopefully that's what your asking for. If not I'll look for what you need. I'm using a HP from walmart basically. All I could afford at the time. :/


I have bandizip that should work to open it. Okay I'll download it and take a look. I would like to keep the intro at least for now. Be a way to learn what line to alter later if I change my mind. The grass shouldn't be a big issue. This is a post apocalyptic world so it would make sense grass would be missing honestly.


Thank you for being so helpful I didn't think anyone would answer me.

And there is the problem.... Beth games REALLY don't like integrated video..... Proc is good, just need a real video card.


I'm hoping to find a fix that doesn't require me replacing pc parts. I don't have the money right now. :/


Ok sorry to double post, I didn't see this before I wrote.


Yeah, when it comes to video cards, that really is not cheap. :sad:

But, that Ram usage is severe. Your card is eating a lot of memory, to run the game. Have you installed the .ini settings that I gave you?

I know that you'd said that you wanted to go thru the game without mods, to get the accomplishments.


I very strongly recommend that you try this out. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1204

It's only an archive file. And I don't think that it will count as a modded game as far as accomplishments. What this mod does is changes the textures. To ones that are much more optimized for gaming, than the poor excuse that Bethesda put into the game.

The ini file that I gave for you, is already prepared to have mods like this.


Trying to think of ways to get your memory usage down.


I put the ini files in you gave me before I played yesterday. I didn't get to play for to long to see how much it helped, but I'll keep testing. What line do I alter to add the intro back in again?

I would like to get the achievements, but there is a mod on nexus that suppose to unlock them if something happens I just have read more into it and what it needs. I wouldn't think textures would count against it, but I don't know. I'll try and see if you think it will help. Would I manually put everything in or get a manager? There is a list of mods on the page do I need those or just the one you linked?

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Aiya (can I call you that? It's a lot easier on my dyslexia :laugh: )

I will get back to you tomorrow (probly in the evening) about what to change in the .ini settings for the intros. I really do apologize. I moved from state to state this morning. And I had to fight with a bunch of settings for about 2 hours this evening just to get my machine to connect to the internet here at the hotel. Kinda brain fried!


Yes, movies were really good. Tho I didn't check out the TV show. I didn't know that there was one!

As for the comic. I didn't read any of them for the sequels, but the graphic novel that started it all out, was absolutely amazing! Nowhere near as cheesy as some of the characters in the movie. And definitely went into a lot more detail about the mental/emotional ordeal that he was going through. I felt like Sarah (while written well in the first movie) was portrayed a bit better, and the cop too, in the graphic novel.

If you plan to buy yourself another present, the graphic novel is high on my recommendation list!


The actual install for RAM is actually really simple. It's just a little board, held in by a couple of plastic clips. Just open the clips, take the old board out, put the new one in, and push the clips back in. Repeat for the second one. In a PC, the worst part of it is keeping the wires out of the way, and getting Them (the wires) back into the machine to close it up. But if you have friends or fam that is familiar with it, they should be able to have it done in 10 minutes or less. (depending on how hard the PC is to get open and wrapped back up again).


While I don't wanna put words in his mouth or volunteer him for anything... HY or I could look up what kind of RAM your machine takes, and look up some examples.

We know that it's a HP. We'd need to know which model, and then which number. For example, "HP Pavilllion 1234". Pavillion is one of their popular series, so I used that as an example. When we know what model you have, we can look up what kind of RAM it takes. :wink:


I'm really glad to hear that you got some gaming time in! That is great! Especially since that mission with Danse can be kind of hard on a graphics card. There's a lot of mobiles active in that mission. There's also a lot of lighting and other visual effects going on there in Arkjet.


Tho... warning. Downtown Boston is gonna be the true test. That area is a real strain. It gets laggy even on premium video cards :sad:


@ HY- a 6 gb card would most definitely help her out. But from the sounds of it, her budget is pretty tight. I definitely know where you're coming from, and I do agree with ya, bro.

Tho what with her budget, and the fact that there's so many used and abused vid cards in the market right now, I kinda think she needs an experienced buyer to work with her on that.

Other than some of the higher drain areas like DTB, the ini files that I uploaded, along with some mods to get rid of the fog, particle effects, and a few others that I can't remember RN... I've got the game running really good on the Sager laptop that a buddy gave me. Which is really, really surprising, that 6 year old machine only has a 1/2 gig vid chip in it!


@ Aiya- A PC is always a really good present to give to yourself, regardless of what the intended uses are. And to be honest, IMO the most important part of it, is the motherboard and the CPU. Which, you're pretty good with what you got! The rest, is like modding guns and armor in game. You can upgrade it a little bit at a time. When you have the resources. :wink:

I think that I've seen the mod that you're talking about, with the achievements. I haven't really checked into it. Tho read thru the comments to see if it works, or causes any problems :wink:

Just did some fast checking. This seems to be the best of them. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15317

It does require f4se, which doesn't count as a mod, as far as the game is concerned. There's a link to it in the mod page. It does also require this one, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15639?tab=posts that one, from reading about it seems a bit complicated.


Myself, I'd probly just download a savegame that has all the achievements. But... I've played this game waaaaay too much, LOL.


Modding the game. Well, I myself really prefer doing it manually. Been doing it for as long as I've been modding, or playing with mods, so that's just what I'm used to. But using a mod manager makes the whole process a lot more easy. As well as gives you additional options, which vary depending on the manager.

I personally used to use an older version of NMM, just for FOMOD installers. But its no longer nexus compatible. They changed some of the things about the site, so while it will still install mods, it won't DL from the site anymore or reference the mod pages to see if there's updates to the mods I have installed. But Vortex and MO2 are both good managers.



HAHAHA Yes, mods for a LOT of things that we don't! (Need)

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Yes you can call me that it's fine. :) No rush whenever you have a minute. I just started the playthrough I have not long ago so it will be a while before I make a new one.


Out of the movies and the tv show the movies are better. I don't know if it was time period or budget, but the tv show was kind of off to me. I think it was called The Crow Stairway to Heaven not entirely sure. I saw Brandon Lee's movie first out of everything. It and the second one I've seen the most. I'd like to get a hold of the graphic novel sounds like a interesting read. Hopefully I can find it online and grab a copy when I get a chance. I've been looking for reading material in between gaming when I have free time.


That sounds really simple I would just have to find the things in my tower to see if I can do it myself. Well you guessed part of what my pc is I'm using a HP Pavilion Desktop - 570-p023w according to the support assistant I couldn't remember the model number. Any help you can give is appreciated I try looking stuff up and end up more confused than I started with (too many options for parts 0-0).


It lagged a little inside with Danse, but it was to bad. I will be careful going to Downtown Boston then. I've been doing a lot of running around outside exploring more than going into places for the moment. I just wanted to start brotherhood so I could work towards getting the first good power armor I got on console.


I will try just about anything to get this game running and not crashing. I have bethini, several retextures and general fixes/improvements on skyrim so doing the same to fallout won't bother me a bit. So bring on any suggestions you may have and I'll look into it. I knew there were save games, but I was never sure how to use them or if they would work to unlock the achievements.


I've done it both ways for skyrim. A lot of things on there work just fine copy pasting especially it they don't have a plugin or a fomod to them. Funny you mention NMM I'm still using it for skyrim le. xD The community is keeping it updated and beside one file I found a few months ago it does still dl from the site. I know I need to upgrade though I just haven't figured out which manager to go to from it since I've used it so long. Thought about vortex since it doesn't require a full redownload of the game like mo2 does to reset the folders. Managers do make it easier to keep track and remember what you've added or changed from vanilla.


I know right?! Some can be funny then others it's like, "What were you thinking? :o" lol

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Hiyas Aiya. :smile:
Ok thank you for letting me give you a nickname. My dyslexia super appreciates it! :D

Also, thanks much for being understanding and patient about what to change in that ini file about the intros :smile:


I'm gonna go ahead and post the links to the memory upgrades first. I'm on MY 8gb machine, and she wants me to close those tabs, hahahaha

Cheapest, and most 100% compatible. https://www.amazon.com/Team-PC4-19200-2400MHz-Laptop-TED416G2400C16DC-S01/dp/B01BU77LQW/ref=sr_1_16?crid=2YE35VRPN4AG3&keywords=ddr4-2400%2Bcl%2B17%2Bnon-ecc%2Budimm%2B288-pin%2Bpc4-19200%2B16gb&qid=1672698787&sprefix=ddr4-2400%2Bcl%2B17%2Bnon-ecc%2Budimm%2B288-pin%2Bpc4-19200%2B16gb%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-16&th=1


next up. But it runs slightly faster than what your machine does. So it would still run at 2400 megahertz. IE faster ram, but your machine can't take full advantage of that speed, so not really worth the extra $$ https://www.amazon.com/Patriot-Signature-PC4-21300-Heatshield-PSP416G2666KH1/dp/B07Q2BDXBG/ref=sr_1_53?crid=2YE35VRPN4AG3&keywords=ddr4-2400+cl+17+non-ecc+udimm+288-pin+pc4-19200+16gb&qid=1672698970&sprefix=ddr4-2400+cl+17+non-ecc+udimm+288-pin+pc4-19200+16gb%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-53


I like this brand. I've used their laptop memory in a couple of my machines. A tad bit more expensive than the first link I gave. But I can give a personal recommendation on the brand. It is also running at the same clock speed as what your factory memory does. https://www.amazon.com/Tech-2400Mhz-PC4-19200-Computer-AT8G2D4D2400NS8N12V/dp/B07KGM2QKV/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2YE35VRPN4AG3&keywords=ddr4-2400%2Bcl%2B17%2Bnon-ecc%2Budimm%2B288-pin%2Bpc4-19200%2B16gb&qid=1672698787&sprefix=ddr4-2400%2Bcl%2B17%2Bnon-ecc%2Budimm%2B288-pin%2Bpc4-19200%2B16gb%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-4&th=1


If you want to do more searching on your own, these are the parameters that you need to look for, for compatibility.

DDR4-2400 UDIMM 288-pin


Interestingly enough, your motherboard has a couple of quirks. She tops out at 16gb of ram. So any more than that would not be spending your money wisely.

Her memory slots also top out at 8gb each. So buying just a single 16 gb stick of ram, would be a waste of precious cash. It wouldn't work. (I personally also do NOT recommend only running off a single stick of memory. Sometimes a stick goes bad. So there is a second one that will keep the machine running. Rather than trying to start it up, have a black screen, and having her scream loud beeping noises at you! (Also called Beep Codes)


Another word of advice, after checking your system specs.

Your primary SSD (solid state drive) is actually kind of small. Not a lot of space on it, after windows, and all the other junkware that HP installs. And the leftover space will get filled up over time with system files, temp files, and other junk from normal usage.


On the big plus side, they gave you a very nice, big secondary HDD (Hard disk drive). So when you are installing stuff onto the machine, make sure to install it to the secondary drive :wink: Files that you save, I'd also recommend saving to the secondary drive.

I also recommend a program called CCleaner. Use that periodically to get rid of the junk files that will start to build up on the primary drive. :wink:


"Stairway to Heaven"??? Oh gawd! That's... CHEEEEE-ZZZZY!! HAHAHAHA! That really doesn't bode well for me, wanting to watch the TV series! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


As for the Graphic Novel. https://www.amazon.com/Crow-James-OBarr/dp/1501176994

Tho I dunno what the differences are, between the special edition, and the normal one.


If you are accustomed to doing the modding manually, I prefer to use a program called Q-Dir. http://q-dir.com

It's a windows explorer alternative. What I like about it, is that it can open 4 different folders all at the same time. Side by side, on top and bottom. Basically splits the screen into 4 different windows. It makes all those copy and paste or drag and drop operations VERY much faster and easier. :thumbsup:


And if you have a still fully functional version of NMM, then by all means... keep using it! Stick with what you know! :wink:


Ok, I'll start looking up some of the mods that I'm using, for helping out about the graphics. Probly get that going tomorrow.


Hah. I dunno which of these categories you'd put some of them into. Like for instance the mod that turns Dogmeat into a pink flamingo......


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DDR4-2400 Ram. What country are you in?

I live in America.



All three of those are a lot cheaper than what I was expecting. So you lean more towards the third one, but the first one is a good one too? You sound knowledgeable so I'll go with your suggestions I'll mark that down though incase I need it since I don't know where you got that. xD

So basically if I buy one of those pick the 8gb two pack and I'm set right? Eeep! No black screen! I had a blue screen error on my old laptop ended up reformatting it and it never worked right again. It's only good for solitaire and dvds now (it's a vista sooo not like it would work well now anyways :p).


I have it set to download everything like games, pictures basically things that aren't computer updates, more important things like that on my second drive. My first is all the really important things. I looked at the size differences and figured it would be a good idea especially since a lot of games now are several gb. >.< Wow! Wasn't sure how many other people use CCleaner! I've had it for quite a while now and I make sure I use it regularly. I need to buy the full version at some point though that would probably help a lot.


Special edition might have extra content or something. I'm never really sure when they do stuff like that. Yep that was the name of it I looked it up to make sure after I posted. It was cheezy lol. xD


I'll have to take a look at Q-Dir it would be very helpful with modding sounds like. As long as I can find where everything goes and it isn't scripted I normally manually install. Just saves space on my NMM. I keep getting told by people, "move to vortex/mo2. There's your problem! Change managers!" Whenever I have a issue with a mod and I tell them the manager I have. Kind of annoying, but your right I like NMM it's easy to use and still working. I'll worry about changing later if something happens or I move to skyrim special edition.


That would be much appreciated when you have a chance! There's so many out there I'm not sure on which to pick that will help. I think I'll take your idea on the save game with all the achievements now that I thought about it some more. I'll have to look one up.

Dogmeat a flamingo 0-0! lol! I've seen a wolf, demon dog, and a robot. Why a flamingo lol? xD That's funny! I read that and instantly pictured it since I have him following me right now.

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