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[Updated] New NMM version out, help us out and update to it (also, X R


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See what happens when:


a) A volunteer site tries to develop such a complex piece of software, covering (almost) all the major moddable games, using at least half-dozen different game engines, from at least a dozen different publishers?


b) People who don't understand what "beta" software means start expecting it to be a stable release?


No one has to use it. All the mods work without it, just as their authors describe.


Nuthin' ta see here folks, unless you want to participate in a beta test.

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In response to post #10739673.

I think the instructions were just forgotten because normally the update button works. The Beta software story does not apply here.

In the comments section one will find mostly problems and questions. This does not mean that the Nexus Mod Manager is not appreciated. So, thanks go to the developers for their hard work. Edited by bwog
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NEED SERIOUS HELP before my son kills me. Ok, I used to be a tech and still am to an extent. One of those things that you never really forget how to do. My 15 yr old son was having trouble connecting with Nexus and stupidly all I told him was he just needed to download and update to the newest version. I keep forgetting that he refuses to look up this stuff and still expects me to walk him through it. Needless to say, this has become my fault that I didn't help him and now Nexus doesn't work.


When he updated he installed the new version into a subdirectory of the old version, because, and I wish you guys would fix this because it's kind of a nuisance, he selected the drive and then selected the folder and when he selected ok the setup automatically put another folder of the same name which he didn't catch. Anyway, when he went to run the program it removed all of of his mods because it couldn't find them in the current Nexus folder.


I copied the folders to his desktop and then uninstalled Nexus and reinstalled it to the proper directory. I then copied the mods to the cache folder so that they would show up in the mods list. However, when we activated the mods, even though it said that they were installed successfully, they didn't show in the plugins side and they weren't installed to the Skyrim\data folder.


I've tried just about everything I can think of. I've uninstalled it a couple of times and deleted the folder once after doing so. I even tried reinstalling SKSE, BOSS, and Wrye Bash just in case, but none of these have had any change either.


Thank-you in advance

Edited by ESfan2011
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Both the site and the app are pretty much broken for me and have been for weeks. Both are just too slow to be usable, random login issues, server disconnects, etc. It all worked fine before. I've actually reinstalled Windows today so everything is nice and fresh. I can't download any mods with NMM, website is slow, searches time out. I paid for premium service -- not for beta service -- and I am very disappointed right now. I patiently waited for weeks but today it's just not workling for me. I'm ready to give up on Nexus at this point.

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See what happens when:


a) A volunteer site tries to develop such a complex piece of software, covering (almost) all the major moddable games, using at least half-dozen different game engines, from at least a dozen different publishers?


b) People who don't understand what "beta" software means start expecting it to be a stable release?


No one has to use it. All the mods work without it, just as their authors describe.


Nuthin' ta see here folks, unless you want to participate in a beta test.

I normally don't openly disagree with a mod, having been one myself on numerous forums over the years, but I felt it necessary to speak up on this.


I've been using this site for a few years now, since early 2009. When I first began using NMM it ran smoothly and I was very impressed considering it was listed as being in beta. It was one of the smoothest, bug free programs I'd ever used of its kind.


But it's been over two years since NMM first came out. Programs understandably get patches. But at this point, blaming the issues on it being in beta is just a cop out. At least one of the more major issues that NMM had when I first started using it still exists: random crashing. I could understand this being an issue still if the program was effectively abandoned. But it's clearly not. You can only use the excuse of "it's beta" for so long before that becomes nothing more than an excuse.


Compound that with the increasing issues with the site itself. Six months ago I could hop on the site and browse the mods with ease and pleasure and only on rare occasions would I have to reload a page because it wouldn't load. Things have been steadily getting worse since then. And this week it's been constant outages and down time.


I can certainly understand why many of the premium members are getting upset.


Even with Steam Workshop and other mod sites out there, Nexus still stands above the others because of many of the features and friendliness of the site's layout. But that gap is shrinking with the ever increasing issues.


Instead of adding more and more features, it's time to focus on ironing out the issues that currently exist. It's time to move NMM from "beta" to actual release.


Don't mistake my comments as being angry or not liking the site. This is constructive criticism.

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Since NMM has been broke for well over 2 weeks now, I'm just wondering how many more weeks or perhaps months will we have to go on like this? I rarely use the Steam Workshop to install mods, but it's looking more and more likely that if I want to install further Skyrim mods, I will have to go that route. Please someone throw us (the community) a bone and give us some sort of a rough timeline.


Thanks, Defender

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But it's been over two years since NMM first came out. Programs understandably get patches. But at this point, blaming the issues on it being in beta is just a cop out. At least one of the more major issues that NMM had when I first started using it still exists: random crashing. I could understand this being an issue still if the program was effectively abandoned. But it's clearly not. You can only use the excuse of "it's beta" for so long before that becomes nothing more than an excuse.


We still develop it as a beta, so it's still a beta. Irrespective of whether you think it's a "cop out" or not, we're no where near done yet. Now, if you'd like to devote some of your time to help us patch the bugs you find with NMM then your help would be greatly received. NMM is open source so YOU can fix it yourself if you so desire and we can use your code to help out the millions of people using NMM.




Compound that with the increasing issues with the site itself. Six months ago I could hop on the site and browse the mods with ease and pleasure and only on rare occasions would I have to reload a page because it wouldn't load. Things have been steadily getting worse since then. And this week it's been constant outages and down time.


Six months ago you couldn't do that at all. The news posts with my apologies will attest to that. The sites haven't been right since Skyrim was launched. People seem to get it in their heads that because we've released something somewhere else on the network that this has compounded the issue or made things worse. It's a bit like telling the UI artist at Microsoft to stop releasing patches until they've fixed all the security issues. The UI artist has no role to play in that side of Windows/Office/whatever and is going to continue to work on what he knows while the people who work on bug fixing continue to work on theirs. Some things are just a lot slower to resolve than others. Only aside to this is the fact the recent site update broke everything for a few days until we could pin-down what it was (NMM DDoSing the servers) and resolve it. The problems experienced now are wholly different and utterly unrelated to adding more games/changing designs/adding functionality.


Instead of adding more and more features, it's time to focus on ironing out the issues that currently exist. It's time to move NMM from "beta" to actual release.


We'll do it when we're ready to do it and not a moment before. Help from people sure would go a long way to making that day come a lot sooner. Can you help?

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Since NMM has been broke for well over 2 weeks now, I'm just wondering how many more weeks or perhaps months will we have to go on like this? I rarely use the Steam Workshop to install mods, but it's looking more and more likely that if I want to install further Skyrim mods, I will have to go that route. Please someone throw us (the community) a bone and give us some sort of a rough timeline.


Thanks, Defender


Please throw US a bone and tell us how it's "broke". And please tell me you've updated to 0.46.0.

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I don't know why everyone is having all these problems. I followed the instructions given and I was downloading again in a matter of moments. My son didn't bother to see if there was any instructions and now his is all messed up with possibly no way of fixing it, which will become my fault because I didn't help him. At his age, home computers were just starting to be a thing that you could think about having. There was no help for me, online or offline. He needs to stop looking for the easy way out.

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