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[Updated] New NMM version out, help us out and update to it (also, X R


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i surrender for today.


lost connections, 502s, cant enter chat (and dont have any messages and didnt get punished, nothing on my profile and nothing on the "strikes / bans"-sections of the nexus forum), no pm to the mods gets answered(i thought this was the way to do so), changes of my mods descriptions take like 3 attempts minimum before they work, the upload of my bunny-mace-mod (lousy 2 mb) took like 4 attempts last night, changes of the screenshots dont work at all (like you resort them) or if then only after like a dozen attempts, not to mention all the endorsement-disaster, and just now i once again had a message from a dude that tried endorsing my stuff and will try again later, since he claimed he has to redownload my stuff AGAIN im pretty sure its the same "downloads-dont-register-correct"-thing that i face myself.


its a chance i didnt release my newest more sophisticated babes yet, this is a mess, with an average / general low endorsement-rate i really cant expect ppl to visit my stuff over and over again just to gimme a "thumbs up". this is quite demotivating.


i still wonder how the new nmm was able to dos the server some days ago... anyhow. good luck, guys.

Edited by chicky540
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Hey, I am Really impressed with the fine work you have been doing, its also great to see you incorporated Azhwkd's work as well.

Of course, with a large undertaking like this, redoing the Nexus, there are going to be all kinds of gotcha's, but I have been really impressed with the overall smoothness of transition, despite the odd hiccup experienced here and there, Thanks again :)


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Can I ask what happens for those that updated to NMM Version 0.50 early? My NMM hasn't worked now for a few days. I figured it was because of the server move and all of that, just wondering now what the status is for those of us that switched. I WOULD switch back down to 0.46 now, but having to go through my 150+ mods to figure out in what order to activate them again would be a pain, and even then I can't guarantee they'll work right.




Anyway, Thanks for the updates and thank you for all the work you do!

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If I were you, I would immediately disable NMM access to the servers again right now and wait for most people to upgrade their NMM first. 'You' re-enabled the DDoS-ing, and only 'they' can fix it now.

The site's almost down to a hold and the first servers will stop soon.


As a matter of fact most people will neither read the News nor upgrade their NMM. They will just see it's back up and go on DDoS-ing the site, expecting all problems to be fixed by you now. Which is exactly what is happening. You know how many NNM users you have. The exact same number is now using the old NMM still and slowing the servers down to a hold.


Your users are technically terminating your site right now. You must cut them off until they upgraded!



...or... whatever. Not as if I was bothered by a few days downtime. You're mentioning it in your last paragraph after all, so they should know the site will be down for a while, and all is well.


Reading the replies so far though... no, they didn't read it.

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