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Best games music


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I absolutely loved that game Mushasil!

Yes, great soundtrack.


I'm actually quite happy someone else knows of the game.

No one I know ever heard of it.

The sequel should have been so much better :( They killed it.

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Castlevania Symphony of the night.


Though, Im surprised to see only relatively *new* games in a classic game thread. Best *classic* music is well known to be MegaMan and Castlevania, with Square Soft games poking in years later when the Snes came out.

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c'mon guys, you all forgot 'bout MORROWIND!!!


that means I vote Morrowind main theme as one of the best


Right! I think it is the best.


Morrowind gets my vote!

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New boy for this great list: WarHammer 40,000: Space Marine.


Classic sweeping, dramatic orchestral score, perfect for the dark, dystopian, universe-in-decline landscape of Warhammer 40,00. In the grim dark of the far future, there is only war, but as a consolation, we've got terrific music to listen to.


The game's brand new out and there's no link on youtube I can find yet, but from what I've heard, I like. Closest I can find to Space Marine's score from other videos is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJm6b-o2pTM


Two steps from hell isn't an exact match, but it's about 99%, and they're the same overall genre and similar instruments.


WarHammer 40K has always stuck out as one of the darker and bloodier sci-fi universes, set some time in the 41st millenium, with humanity's 10,000 year old galactic empire on it's last legs, under attack from innumerable legions of aliens, mutants, and hell-corrupted traitors, and with a prophesised doomsday on the horizon, it's a place of constant, unending war simply to continue existing. With consistant themes of heroes standing tall infront of innumerable enemies and a fate worse than death, it's a universe that relies on a strong core of charactrer driven storytelling, and making the player feel invested in what they're fighting for. The music is an important part of that, an has always been a bit of a weakness of it in my opinion, with Dawn Of War and Fire Warrior letting themselves down particularly, with Space Marine however the opposite is true, with the music finaly matching up with the scene it's supposed to set.

Edited by Vindekarr
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