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Minutemen Quests


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That opening scenario pretty much removes any role playing until you find your kid.

That is your sole focus and the promise you made to your dead spouse - i.e. it is your role.

They chose your role, and TBH you'd have to be a pretty callous person to abandon it.

You'd literally need an Alternate Start mod to avoid that.


Any "RPG" elements are pretty much put on hold after you find out the fate of your kid.

You only have 1 role. The concerned parent try to recover their kidnapped kid.

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Hard to separate the two isn't it.

You don't have much of a role if you are on a goal that is linear do you?

I mean I can try to take the Charisma approach, or the Anvil approach - but either way I'm going to ignore everything until I reach my goal - right?


It's the very reason I terminate the quest at the Museum (so I get my reward). Mama Murphy is setting me on my next path - and it's not to Sanctuary to get a billion menial tasks... It's to get my next clue towards finding my kid and she's handing it to me on a plate.

Edited by fraquar
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Finding your kid is a goal. Being the 'concerned parent' is the role that beth decided we should start the game with. Not a good decision in my opinion. Of course, you have the option to completely ignore that aspect of the game..... as getting to diamond city in level 2 or 3 is gonna be an exercise......

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What part of this do you not understand? The Goal is your Role.

Just ask any new parent you come across what they'd do if their kid was taken from them.

The Role is the Goal - they are intertwined. Life stops until you get your kid back.

All 3rd party quests stop (which is the vast majority of Fallout 4).....

The only one who seems to understand that entire concept is the one woman stoned out of her gourd 99.9% of her time - welcome to the Fallout universe.....

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What part of this do you not understand? The Goal is your Role.

Just ask any new parent you come across what they'd do if their kid was taken from them.

The Role is the Goal - they are intertwined. Life stops until you get your kid back.

All 3rd party quests stop (which is the vast majority of Fallout 4).....

The only one who seems to understand that entire concept is the one woman stoned out of her gourd 99.9% of her time - welcome to the Fallout universe.....

Huh? I completely ignore my missing kid for quite some time. Nothing stops. The world goes on as usual.

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Which is exactly my point. You'd literally have to consciously ignore trying to find your kid to just go willy-nilly anywhere you want in the game.

Doesn't make sense when you open your spouses death chamber and make that promise though......


Without an alternate start mod - you literally only have one conscious thought from the moment you escape the pod - I need to find my kid - AND find the $%^&*() that killed my wife and stole him. It's literally the most recent memory you have in your life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i just enjoy one of the best games ever made so far after two years of beta testing - 2015 and 16.

the discussion about rpg enough or not, shooter enough or not and sims settlements enough or not is just boring.


this game is unique and in its own class. only skyrim can compete to some extent. probably a game still played and modded in 10 years.


with mods it is a masterpiece and it covers many genres better than most specialized games do. it is an all in one game - just chose what you like most!

one thing it will never be - a game with a masterfully story driven approach like in HZD - which i've never experienced before. the price HZD pays for that story driven approach is that it has not this "let me play it again in another way" component.

but fo4 also has bright story moments. exactly what i expect from a rich open world. everything is lootable. i play this game since 2017 - with modding it is still a lot of fun and there are a lot of things looking better and running better than ever before - even playing in 4k.

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Story driven games died 20-30 years ago - pretty much industry wide.

If the game is moddable, then maybe some modder will build in story line.

That however takes a LOT of work.....

The issue with the Minutemen is simple - YOU are the Minutemen. That is just plain lazy design.

I mean you can't even leave Sanctuary without having to return to defend it - even though Preston should be there organizing the defense - as he is the OG Minuteman?....

I mean seriously, Sanctuary shouldn't need to be defended if Preston is there. It should literally be the "Sanctuary".


Added: I love the concept of a moddable game. Give the modders and the mod users freedom to diverge from the norm. Still the base game should have a better written PRIMARY story line.

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