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Dunbarrow Cove/Dahlia Rackham bug?


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I cleared the cove, got the quest prompt to speak to Dahlia about upgrades, go speak to Dahlia and.... nothing. She has no prompts for upgrades.


Running with all the DLCs and the Through the Valley mod package.


(GetStage via the console says 18, which is the correct stage.)


Any thoughts?

Edited by LiathanoHS
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The upgrades are found as a dialogue option, not via the barter menu. Make sure that the option for the upgrades isn't down below the bottom visible dialogue option (i.e. use the scroll bar to see all possible dialogues).


In the console the quest should be at stage 18 ( getstage DLC06ThievesDen ).

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Thank you both for your help.


In desperation, I installing this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/48226 -- I was aware that the purchases are dialogue based and not Barter based, and I thought - hey, maybe they'll pop up this way.

No dice.

I was so upset, I unloaded the mod and reloaded the game - and that worked! I now have the ability to purchase the Dunbarrow Cove upgrades, within the conversation window. The only thing I can think is that a. some version of this mod was already installed, though I don't remember that being so and b. some OTHER mod was interfering with the convo-to-Barter conversion, so I ended up with nothing.

In any event, alls well that ends well.

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