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Broken quests.


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I have a problem with two quests from SSE AE. I am playing v. 1.6.659 and the quests which are bugged are The Rising Dead and Legends Lost. In both of those quests at one point you go to a location where an arrow points to a note which you read and then advance to the next stage of the quest. Unfortunately the arrows are there but the notes are not. I believe these are both cc quests.


I went to UESP and they gave the console command to continue the quests but I must have read the setstage wrong, I am an old geezer and my eyes are not what they used to be, to say the least. This is what I entered.


setstage ccBGSSSE003_ZombieQuestStartEncounter and then the stage for The Rising Dead and basically the same for Legends Lost except the cc ends in 008 instead of 003. I am pretty sure I got the cc command wrong, if someone could give me the correct command I would appreciate it. I get an error message when I enter the above.

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The setstage command takes two parameters: the name (or FormID) of the quest, and the stage number.


So the proper command would be something like: setstage ccBGSSSE003_ZombieQuestStartEncounter 25

(The number 25 in this case is totally arbitrary, and NOT the one you should actually use)


Go and re-check the answer you got from UESP - they should have given you proper stage number to use in those commands.

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If you will read my third paragraph the console command I gave is identical to the one you gave in your second paragraph.


I did use the stage number that UESP gave me in both cases; in both cases I got an error message. This is why I think that I got the command line wrong, I am pretty certain I got the stage number correct.

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Sorry I took so long to reply showler.


On the Rising Dead quest there is an arrow but no journal, that is the last stage, which is 40 according to uesp. Don't know why the number the four stages 10,20,30 and 40.


On the Legends Lost it is the fifth stage where the caravan near Falkreathj is supposed to contain the Attunement Crystal. I found the caravan but once again arrow there just points to ground so no attunement crystal.

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I did use the stage number that UESP gave me in both cases; in both cases I got an error message.

What error message exactly? That such quest does not exist, that this quest does not have that stage, something else?


In console, type:

help zombiequest


What do you get? Any 'QUST' entries? If you get a lot, you can use PageUp/PageDown to scroll. Look for the one that looks right and note its FormID.

I.e. if I type 'help fishing' in my game, I get, among various other things, the following:

QUST: ccBGSSSE001_FishingFollowerIdleQuest (050D1017) 'Fishing System Follower Idle Quest'

QUST: ccBGSSSE001_FishingSystemQuest (05033A57) 'Fishing System Quest'


The 8-digit hexadecimal value in parenthesis (highlighted blue) is called 'FormID'

Now, if I want to mess around with that 'fishing follower idle' quest, I don't need to type out that long complex name, I can just use the FormID.


setstage 050D1017 10

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