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[WIPz] Drizzt Do'Urden for Skyrim


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Excellent on the dual wielding! Will he be able to wield the correct sword in the correct hand as well? Both his swords are different, one is his main right-hand blade, the other his left.


I'm planning to work on his face next - I still need to make him some eyebrows - then I can let you have the esp back along with the panther files. It might be a few days as I'm in the grip of the nastiest, meanest and vilest cold I've ever experienced. My eyes have broken out with conjunctivitis as well, making it difficult for me to see. Then I can start work on the swords, and do any last tweaks to his face. :smile:



Nice Guenhwyvar.

When will this be ready to downlaod and where can I get it from as I want him as a follower for my female Dunmer Nightblade!

When it's done. ;)

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