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I wonder if it would be possible to add more sun to the winter season and remove the clouds. From my perspective and progression in the game it is hardly to tell if it is day or night and there is overall a wasteland shader. I cant tell if this is story related but its a very one sided view to the winter season.
Always summer would be best if its not part of the storyline, but otherwise an improved winter would do as well.
May someone take this as an inspiration.

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Is there a way to move the Knight Armour from Cloaks & Robes category to Outfit category?

So we can use cape. Because: what is knight, without his cape?


Thanks in advance.

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Mod request - repair female face animation in game

Hello, there is an annoying bug in the game with facial animation of female characters.

The face of the heroine in the game does not match the face configured in the editor.

Also ingame (open world), the character grins terribly and makes various grimaces like a goblin, he should work at Gringorts bank and not study at Hogwarts with such facial animation))).

Also, the face changes when using the Lumus spell. The female character looks terrible in the open world with and without mods. Also, the length of the nose of the female character changes and the height does not match the height in the editor.


Here is a list of facial animation problems with examples of the bug:


The problem is known and the appropriate section has been created in the bug report of the game here is this topic https://hogwartslega....com/bug/HL-543
But it is not known when the developers will be able to fix this problem and whether it will be fixed is also unclear.
That's why I created this topic, maybe one of the modders will be able to fix this problem, I have no idea how difficult or simple the process is. I would just like to get this bug fixed as soon as possible. Perhaps one of the modders would take care of this problem.
After all, what is the situation: modders who create mods for female faces, but they do not take into account the bug, the faces that they created look beautiful only in the menu, editor and cut scenes. In the open world, the girls will still look like monsters if the bug is not fixed, in fact, all the work of these people will be done in vain.
Therefore, I hope that perhaps there is such a person who can fix the bug with the wrong facial animation of female characters
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  • 3 weeks later...

Mod Request.


Annoying Sound Removal.


The armor shop's hammer is killing me, also those fireflies and the honk flowers.



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Recolors of the schoolrobes?


The uniforms are closely/ similar to those shown in fantastic beast movies and look good in general. I'm probably not alone in the fact that the uniforms and robes needs an adjustment, and a recolor! The colors of this robes are grayish and blasé. Personally I wish the game creators changed this and came up with more variations or some sort of menu where you could customize colors and shades in the game. I'd would like to have more options :ermm:


Is there anyone here who manages and wants to take on the task of making a recolor/ replacement or making the verson of the school uniform that is in the fantastic beast movies?
(with a darker shade of the colors)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I wish there would be a mod which would add more of plants which could be use in a battle or even better - the possibility to add plants as spells - to move it from utility consumable bar to spell bar. So I could be true Hufflepuff plants fighter. And I know it will never come - to have a battle pet.

Also I wish I could learn all of potions (and more of potions) like in the first potion class - brew it, the same way how you learn spells every time. I hate buying it from a stupid shop. I mean the shop is great - to buy potions, but I should learn the recipes from the school.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
On 4/15/2023 at 10:12 PM, warrillcreek said:

I would like to see a bottomless or nude mod of professor Weasley with a thick patch of public hair that covers everything which would look natural unlike the sparse bits of public hair we see now, and also more students with nude mods.

This is my opinion on the topic.


I do believe these mods are obtainable; just not on this site because of restrictions. And you would be required to do some very difficult searching to find.

The actual reason for stopping in is that STEAM just pushed a 53? GB update to the game and it will probably break some mods. I stopped updating several games until sufficient time passes for the mod authors to either update their respective mods or pass them on to those who will. The irritating part is where the update is identified as small. 53GB???? Small???

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