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vortex driving me mAD

Go to solution Solved by Garagulu,

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Have you tried restarting your computer? If you have and this still happens, please do what the error message says, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and open the task manager and look for any instances of Vortex running.

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Have you tried restarting your computer? If you have and this still happens, please do what the error message says, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and open the task manager and look for any instances of Vortex running.

resetted 2 times, cecked the task manager, gave permissions, really don't know what to do


Edit: i leav my solution here, i dragged my vortex folder in appdata to a folder of my creations and did the same for the download path

Edited by Garagulu
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I am having maybe a simlar problem when I click on the vortex icon in runs and then displays a instance is already running cannot proceed advising to check task manager and so forth. Upon checking task manager there are no vortex running on my laptop scrolled through everything nothing found also turned off my laptop and turned it back on serveral times to no avail. Cant log off if I cant get to the page. If I do a reintall of vortex how do I save my existing mod file list on my Fallout 4 game

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