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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod request] Mod making all characters aged 18 at least


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I understand that, as well as there are lots of young players

But for me personally - adult mods represent fun and replayability of the game (meaning other games like Witcher3 or Skyrim). Most mods are not for the first playthrough for sure.
But they will come eventually. I hope Nexus can manage this, they do have instruments like content filtering and mod requirements ... idk

At least there should be a clear statement about this situation, not silent censorship

p.s. I know I said nothing about "teenagers" part. If someone adds Killable children mod I hope nobody think that author really hates them irl - this is just annoying part of the gameplay.
You can add any meaning to any part of the game, and only you are responsible for this.

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They are clear. No adult mods for characters who are canonically under 18 years of age or are designed to look less than 18 years old (to deal with fantasy characters like child vampires etc.).


This rule does not exist in order to give you the opportunity to think of a "clever" way to get around it.

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Ricardo Milos on paintings is for better "wizard roleplay" ... for sure

As well as short skirts, leggings, body mods, make up and it's only been couple of days since release. Let users decide how to play a game

dude, this game features a main character that is 15 years of age. this is not The Witcher series or Skyrim where the main character is an adult, your other posts also show that you want there to be no censorship on nexus, take your degenerate mindset out of here. no one likes the leggings and body mods besides degenerates and you can tell because the comments on those mods ARE LOCKED because people pointed out that they shouldn't be there and they were banned and their comments deleted.

Edited by masoncravens
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