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African Style Weapons


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So I was at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and I got some pics of some awesome African throwing weapons and swords / daggers and I was wondering if someone could texture these into the game (I know the throwing part isn't easy, but I know it's been done before.)


Here are some pics:












I'll post some more when I can get them off my cell phone (If anyone knows generally how to do this it would be of help)

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yes I like that idea.. an it would be in keeping with the assasin.... an with marksmanship.. why not.. not as far as a bow but great for those across the room deals... esp in the buildings... hec take out blunt weapon.. club etc and put that in instead.. more fun.. and more likely for the female characters also..
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I don't particularly like the look of all of the weapons you linked to but some are awesome. I do like the idea of African weapons in the game so I started on a few this morning. These are WIP's , they still need textures but they do have collision. I should finish these in a while and I'll post the link to the download here. I'm not making them throw able but I believe there is a throwing mod somewhere.


Axe single hand Mangbetu



Blunt two hand Gbaya



Short sword single hand Tetela






They are UV mapped but I still want to add eyes to the shield and I also want to add another shield. If there is one particular weapon that you really want then you should post here to let me know.

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