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Step ENB installation help needed


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I downloaded the latest enbseries from the link and copied 3 files, d3dll.dll, d3dcompilerre6e.dll and enblocal.ini into SkyrimSE.

I downloaded Step ENB Heavy preset from the link and unzipped.

Now what do I do with these folder contents. All the instructions don't say. They stop like this:


Download the Step ENB preset from Nexus under Miscellaneous Files
NOTE: The Step ENB comes with a recommended enblocal.ini.STEP file. To use this, simply delete the version that ships with ENBSeries, and strip '.STEP' from the file name of the Step version. This is optional and for use with any ENB. Generally, this file is maintained by the end user, but we provide it for convenience, since it has vsync and frame limiter options that should be disabled for Step Guide followers.
There is an enbseries folder, an enblocal.ini.Step and enbseries.ini.
Do I copy all 3 into SkyrimSE ?



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I reallly got no idea what this 'step' thing is, but this is how I got it installed in my setup:

After getting the latest version of ENB at http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrimse.html:

Unzip the archive.

Copy everything under 'WrapperVersion' folder directly into your SSE directory.

Run the game via SKSE loader, as usual. You should see tiny text in upper left 'ENBSeries is compiling shaders' - should take a while. Then you should see the ENBSeries version info once Bethesda logo appears.

You should be able to open/close ENB menu using Shift+Enter.


Now, off Nexus, you generally want following mods:

ENB Helper SE (required by most ENB configs)

ENB Input Disabler - not required but darn useful.


Now you can go ahead and look for the ENB setup you like most. Some ENBs are specifically tailored for use with certain weathers.

An ENB setup (i.e. Patrician ENB, which I currently use) is generally installed the same way as ENB software itself - you unzip it and copy into your SSE directory, overwriting files as needed. NOT via mod manager.

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