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FO4 Stuttering problem


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Hi there,


at the moment I've a huge problem with stutterings, that my player character Nora freezes for second like slow motion. ... First it was only sometimes, but now it always. ... My game is a bit more modded, but first all worked well. ...


These steps I've all checked:

- Tweaked game ini files replaced with default

- Proofed the game files via Steam

- ENB on and off

- Looked at specific settings in NVIDIA Software with disabled one for one or all

- System is fully updated with all needed


I've found out, that something is wrong with the skeleton (Discrete Female Skeleton + Skeletal Adjustments for CBBE - Knee Fix)!?! ... The path is from both not the same, but I don't know, which is really the right one!?! ... Both are from same author! ...


HERE is my modlist available.


Note: Some content (Female Textures reworked with GIMP Blender Feature, Custom Bodyslide Preset and many outfits) were custom made by a good friend for me!


My specs you can find HERE!


Can somebody help me please?


Thank you!



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