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Robots and happiness.


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In the base game, Robots are capped at 50 happiness. Which seems kinda strange... can robots actually BE UNhappy?? (or happy, for that matter.) Was reading a thread elsewhere from WAY back.... and the thought was, that robots should actually NOT count as settlers, and as they would relieve the settlers of some of the more tedious jobs.... (farming, sentry duty, etc.) each robot assigned to such jobs, should give a small boost to happiness. Kinda like dogs, and cats....



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Sounds great but:

The problem with not counting them as settlers is that you can build a ton of 'm for each settlement.

How to deal with a robots only settlement, like grey garden?

What about beds, water & food?

What if there is no power? Don't they need that? (not in the game, I know, but still)

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One option was to have the robots with 'personality' actually count as settlers. But, aside from them, it'd be no different than collecting cats and dogs for your settlement. Could also put a cap on the bonus as well.... so, no making 100 robots to bring up your happiness. :)

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I never understood this sort of, err, logic? If anything, they should do what you stated...add a capped amount of happiness to a settlement because of their lack of resource consumption, the ability to work 24-7, how powerful a jacked-up robot can be when tasked with defense of the settlement etc.

Personally, I have been using Greygarden, Hangman's Alley and Jamaica Plain as robot only settlements. I build a few beds, turrets, robots, water pumps, crafting stations and generators for lighting and laser turrets. No beacon. I also use SKK's workshop access mod, and build a global weapons stash container for drop-offs. I also use jacked-up robots as provisioner's.
So far, I have only had one settlement drop below 50%.....that was Greygarden, not sure why, but it was attacked and damaged. The worst part is that Supervisor Green was killed.....never got to win that "brand new car!!" :)

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