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Is All of the Fuss about AWKCR and AE Really True?


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I've been using them for years, and, have no complaints. I have been thinking about updating my load with the anti-AWKCR/AE thing via Eco and such, but, It seems as if you end up downloading as many requirements for mods as you do patches for the AWKCR/AE ?
I was actually going to do this, until I heard about the next gen update.
Is it worth it to update now?

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  • 3 weeks later...

AWKCR is bad for your game. I would use ECO if you liked AWKCR's content. But no one should be using AWKCR. I personally dont use either.

I've been using it for years, and don't have an issue with it.....(AWKCR) Of course, I have a few mods that depend on it as well...... so, it's gotta be there.

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It causes save bloat, CTD's, and conflicts with a ton of mods. I've also created a ton of awkcr free mods you can check out. I used to use it to but its really not good to have biggest concern is the save bloat. If you like to play your saves long AWKCR is your enemy.

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If it works for you thats good. If you have fewer mods its probably not noticable. If you are heavy into modding thats when it becomes more of an issue. AWKCR contains a bunch of content that your game doesn't use. More than likely you use about 10% of the mods records so you have a bunch of stuff taking up space in your game you dont need. This is where the save bloat comes in to play. I personally like to play 100+ Hrs so Im picky as to what is in my game.


CTD's mostly occur with mod conflicts since awkcr touches so many records if a mod references something that awkcr overwrites you crash. Most people dont have time or knowledge to fix these issues so they rely on mods just working with minimal patching.


To each their own I geuss

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In general, mod-infamy tends to completely ignore the time aspect e.g. the fact that authors do update their mods, version updates of both the game and Script Extenders, and also installing mods cleanly is not intuitive and usually the bulk of complaints come from the fact that the user screwed something up.

Doesn't mean there aren't issues of course, but there is no guarantee that other authors that claim conflict have actually tested it to see if it's true. It can be purely theoretical and a decision to err on the side of caution.

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My Highest level character is level 118. He has lived with AWKCR/AE since he covered his eyes exiting the cryo-vault. His "hard save" size is 20, 468, yet the "exit" save size Is 25,010? Strange. Then again, I'm only loading about 140 plug-ins and about 10 more F4SE mods. Again, my load is old, though i have installed about 30 more recent mods since I came back to the game. My game rarely crashes and every mod I've installed since coming back loads fine, all leveled- list items added show in game.
I will update when the next-gen update lands. See no sense in doing so before.


If it works for you thats good. If you have fewer mods its probably not noticable. If you are heavy into modding thats when it becomes more of an issue. AWKCR contains a bunch of content that your game doesn't use. More than likely you use about 10% of the mods records so you have a bunch of stuff taking up space in your game you dont need. This is where the save bloat comes in to play. I personally like to play 100+ Hrs so Im picky as to what is in my game.

CTD's mostly occur with mod conflicts since awkcr touches so many records if a mod references something that awkcr overwrites you crash. Most people dont have time or knowledge to fix these issues so they rely on mods just working with minimal patching.

To each their own I geuss

I'm one of those people, lol. Not that I'm not willing, just that I see no reason to if my game runs fine. I agree with your take. A lot of people just cannot be bothered with patching.

Edited by edgeburner
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OMT....I learned about modding in the "Bashed/xedit merged patch" era. I actually have both still in my load, though I haven't re-created them in a long while, afraid to delete them though. Funny thing about the bashed patch... it seems to revert records back to the original record? I cannot find a script I can run via FO4edit to create the proper bashed tags. Did it in Skyrim, but a no-go in FO4.

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Yeah bashed patching just automatically makes it not conflict its not really processing what should go where. I prefer to do it manually that way you decide what features are overwritten or what you want in your game.
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