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Who deleted my topic?


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If it got deleted, it likely violated at least some of the Nexus forums rules.


This bit might be of specific interest to you:

Complaints Regarding Moderation
Complaints against staff action should not be voiced publically and doing so may result in a formal warning or account suspension.
In the event that you feel staff have misjudged a situation and/or unjustly removed a file, or otherwise acted outside of what would be permissible for staff based on our policies and guidelines, you are free to submit a report to the Nexus Mods Community Management Team by contacting [email protected].


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"Complaints against staff action should not be voiced publically and doing so may result in a formal warning or account suspension."


Well that's some dictatorial crap

Would you want to work in a place where the worst people have a license to publicly abuse you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did most of my life. It was still better than suppressing legitimate issues.

It wasn't a legitimate issue. It was a rant about the Anniversary Edition that was six months late (at least) and full of lies and inaccuracies.


It was also completely irrelevant to this website. This isn't a Bethesda owned site.

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