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having game crash as soon as main menu loads


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When i launch the game it crashes after a few seconds. Right as it reaches the main menu. It wont let me attach the crash test files so I'm gonna include the pastebin.com link.

https://pastebin.com/3BAZKksy This is the crash log.

https://pastebin.com/vSZFCrBX This is the buffout4 log


Every time I have tried to mod Fallout 4 I have always had this "Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF617C88F6A Fallout4.exe+1AF8F6A" be my crash log's first line. I have tried removing the mod that loads in at index 1AF but nothing. When i remove that it still says that is the crash when it resorts a new mod into that index.

I have modded my Skyrim SE with no prolonged problems and I want to enjoy Fallout 4 as well. Please help

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I know you are hoping for a 'easy fix', but there is only one way to find the cause and hopefully solve the problem.


That is:

Remove all mods. Start the game. If it works, you at least know the problem isn't with the default/vanilla Fallout files. If that already crashes you need to validate (& restore) the game files with steam.

If it does work, start (re-)adding your mods again. 1 by 1 & test each time, until it crashes. There is your problem/conflict. (& you can start trying to solve it, or ask help for that)


There really isn't much else you can do, if you have no idea what causes the crash.

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