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A mod that allows player to shoot multiple arrows


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Well it worked. I didn't draw two arrows from my quiver, but two arrows came out of the bow when I fired. They are actually part of the same item, but two different objects, so each interacts individually. Meaning one could hit the target while the other doesn't. Tested by shooting it at stone, the arrows bounced in different directions. Done with zero scripting. I can do the cone one very easily using the same method. I'm thinking of making a power (like a shout) that lasts a certain amount of time, and while it's activated you shoot multiple arrows. Sort of like LOTR conquest special powers (except multi-arrows instead of poison arrows). This would remove the need for pressing additional keys and such, which is annoying for the player in my opinion. I'll do the hail of arrows later.

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We have two options in that case:

1. Make it realistically use arrows, and if you don't have enough arrows it won't shoot a cone.

2. I prefer this one. Because it's a power, it would make sense that it only uses one arrow rather than however many are in a cone.

It's up to you, I can do either.

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That would work, but I'm just imagining myself as if I was playing as an archer/ranger, and new arrows wouldn't make much sense. I'm firing two of the arrows I would normally fire, rather than firing a different type of arrow.

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We have two options in that case:

1. Make it realistically use arrows, and if you don't have enough arrows it won't shoot a cone.

2. I prefer this one. Because it's a power, it would make sense that it only uses one arrow rather than however many are in a cone.

It's up to you, I can do either.


Hmm, I would pick the first choice, since it sounded more realistic. We should determine the number of arrows that will be shot in a cone, though.

Also, I think the shout/power should only make the first shoot a cone of arrows. I mean, player uses the power, and only the player's first shoot after he used the power should be a cone attack, and it should revert back to normal after that shoot. And power should dispel if player switched to another weapon. So to accommodate this, power/shout's cooldown should be relatively short too. This would be more player-friendly and more useful, in my opinion. As player might not want to launch a cone in every shot after he used the power.


I have a question. I have Dawnguard but I didn't play it yet. Is there any difference between bows and crossbows in game? Which is better, or more advantageous at certain circumstances?

Edited by Erenussocrates
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Hmm, I would pick the first choice, since it sounded more realistic. We should determine the number of arrows that will be shot in a cone, though.

Sure thing, works for me. Also, the amount of arrows will be based on my mesh, which is balanced and aesthetic, so no determining needed at the moment.

Also, I think the shout/power should only make the first shoot a cone of arrows.

Good point, though the dual arrows will be a time duration power. Also, I've made the powers dispel if the weapon is sheathed.

Is there any difference between bows and crossbows in game? Which is better, or more advantageous at certain circumstances?

Massive difference. Crossbows are great for hitting moving targets and they also launch full power (straight), unlike bows which you have to power up. Reloading (crossbows) is way better during combat, whereas sniping and such is better with bow mechanics. Moreover crossbows are really powerful compared to bows. The base crossbow is about the same damage as a daedric bow. Bolts come in multiple varieties, but you go through them quickly. You need a perk to retrieve bolts, but it's tough even with it. Also, crafting bolts is not very efficient. Additionally, no movement penalty with drawn crossbows and crossbows can stagger opponents. Some types of bolts/crossbows can ignore armor too. Lastly, crossbows are loud.


Overall, if I was playing an assassin/acrobat/ranger I would definitely use a bow. They are better for sneaking and sniping. Quicker reload and less noise. If I was playing as a warrior or was in the fray of a battle I would use a crossbow. You can pump out damage quickly with minimal penalty. Check out the mechanics section in http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Crossbows_(Dawnguard)

Edited by DragonDude1029
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Oh thanks for all the information regarding crossbows. I was about to ask you if you could do a similar system for crossbows as well. I mean, similar but different at the same time. My idea is, let's say there's a different new kind of bolts, and when you shoot, first bolt launches as normally, and after a very short delay (let's say 0.25 second) a second bolt launches from your crossbow to where crosshair is pointed. A sequential double shot, both are accurately travelling to where you pointed your crosshair at the time. How does it sound?


A question out of curiosity: will all the arrows launched in cone maintain their magical property if the used bow was enchanted?

Edited by Erenussocrates
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That should be simple enough. I still don't like the idea of making new kinds of bolts/arrows, doesn't make much sense to me (why would a new kind of bolt make you shoot it twice). Actually I can do this one event better than the others, because there is an invoke fire function. It would be fully animated and all that.


A question out of curiosity: will all the arrows launched in cone maintain their magical property if the used bow was enchanted?

They should, can't say I've actually tried it though. I really don't see why they wouldn't, it's all part of a singular projectile.

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That should be simple enough. I still don't like the idea of making new kinds of bolts/arrows, doesn't make much sense to me (why would a new kind of bolt make you shoot it twice). Actually I can do this one event better than the others, because there is an invoke fire function. It would be fully animated and all that.


Chained bolts. Actually, on the contrary, I don't like mingling with a lot of powers, you see. And I didn't like the idea of shooting cones for a duration of time, whenever I choose to make a shot with the bow. Would waste arrows unnecessarily. Only the first shoot and a short cooldown on power would suffice.


How is it going? When are you planning to launch the mod/topic?

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