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Just how many Power Armor frames are in the game?

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Months ago, I read somewhere it was about 50.

Sounds about right, though I've never seen or found that many, but its plausible I suppose.. (especially if you include the DLCs)


Anyone know?


Also, do the PA frames you can buy at vendors, restock?

Or is it a one-time only, inventory item?

And are they included in the total of 50 (if that is indeed the correct number)?

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I think frames in vendors is added by a mod... I don't recall seeing them in the vanilla game.


Power armor is scattered about the wasteland.... some are hand place, and are a 'fixed' variety. Others are leveled, and get better as you do. (depending on when you show up in that area.) So far as I know, the power armor does NOT respawn... at least, not in my experience..... Some might... not like I visit those locations frequently though. :) I don't think I have ever collected 50 suits though...... not even partials. There is one suit by the hotel (with raiders) that doesn't seem to be collectable in my game..... I suspect that is a mod issue though, as the raiders don't use it either.

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I am pretty sure PA frames at some vendors is vanilla,

In DC they only show up at Arturo when you are at higher levels, but in Goodeneighbor one always seems to be available from that female robot vendor (I never buy it since i already have)

I suppose I could start buying them up and see what ahppens to see if they respawn.


I do not have "power Armor for the people" or anything like it installed.

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Months ago, I read somewhere it was about 50.

Sounds about right, though I've never seen or found that many, but its plausible I suppose.. (especially if you include the DLCs)


Roughly 50 yes, including the DLCs. I took a look at the Creation Kit but some of them are non-playable (e.g, placed in inaccessible, holding cells) and I didn't count them so I don't know exactly.


Also, do the PA frames you can buy at vendors, restock?

Or is it a one-time only, inventory item?

And are they included in the total of 50 (if that is indeed the correct number)?


They restock just like other items.


No, they don't count in the ~50 preplaced Power Armor frames.

Edited by LarannKiar
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Months ago, I read somewhere it was about 50.

Sounds about right, though I've never seen or found that many, but its plausible I suppose.. (especially if you include the DLCs)


Roughly 50 yes, including the DLCs. I took a look at the Creation Kit but some of them are non-playable (e.g, placed in inaccessible, holding cells) and I didn't count them so I don't know exactly.


Also, do the PA frames you can buy at vendors, restock?

Or is it a one-time only, inventory item?

And are they included in the total of 50 (if that is indeed the correct number)?


They restock just like other items.


No, they don't count in the ~50 preplaced Power Armor frames.





thank you for such a complete and authoritative answer. :)

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