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Steam Oblivion and Windows 7 + Mods?


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Hey all,


I just got Oblivion off steamsale. Played the game about 6 years ago vanilla only so I'm looking to replay it with some mods installed. I've googled if the steam game of the year version of Oblivion will work with Windows 7 64 bit OS and the answer has been yes, but I've been confused by a couple things. Btw I haven't installed Oblivion yet.


People are saying that I need to install either steam or the game itself outside of C:Program Files (x86) because of the security features that go along with it. Many recommend installing it under C:Games...but if I'm running the game with mods do I need to move ALL of steam outside of C:Program Files (x86) or can I just install Oblivion to C:Games? Will that work just fine? Btw I currently run skyrim mods just fine with steam being installed in the default location.


My other questions is Oblivion Mod Manager v. NMM...googled and there are conflicting opinions about it. Which one is better for oblivion modding?


Also if there's any other tips or advice I'd appreciate it! Thx!

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Well, I believe steam will try to install the game to it's root directory - so if steam is installed in C:Program Files it'll install the game there. For Oblivion (and all moddable games) it's best to have steam installed to C:Games instead. In this instance think of it as "fix it and forget it." Once done you won't have to worry about it for any other moddable games (Program files is a no go for all of them right down to Morrowind).


If you're absolutely sure you have no interest in any other moddable games. Ever. Then just try and tell steam to install Oblivion in a different directory (I don't recall it actually giving you a choice in the matter however).


As for OBMM or NMM. OBMM is the predecessor to NMM and was created exclusively for Oblivion, as such many older mods are optimized for it and not NMM. Much newer mods (no more than one year old) should be fine with NMM but older ones may have serious install issues. If you're particularly comfortable with your computer you can try using NMM and just check your data folders now and again to make sure everything is unpacking properly. Or you can use OBMM for older files and NMM for newer files just be aware that those files managed by the other manager will not be identifiable or manageable by the other manager.. Or just OBMM.

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In case you already have Steam installed to C:\Program Files (x86) here's a link to bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. There's a link near the top that takes you to instructions on moving your Steam install.

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Just adding one more opinion to the mix... I've used OBMM for years without problems. But if you are going to have a lot of mods, especially texture/mesh replacers, it would be worth your while to learn to use Wrye Bash for installation/uninstallation. It takes slightly longer to learn than OBMM or NMM, but it handles partially overwritten mods much better. Bonus: the Skyrim version of Wrye Bash works in exactly the same way. :smile:
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Ok Thanks OublietteI and Striker. I have a bunch of mods installed currently for skyrim. Nexus Mod Manager is installed under C:\Games currently. If I follow that procedure for moving steam will I lose all those mods for skyrim?


Lanceor, I personally never used Wyre Bash for skyrim and I don't plan on doing a lot of texture mods for oblivion, just a couple. I'm more interested in tweaking the gameplay at this point. I'm thinking something along the lines of what requiem is to skyrim so OOO is what I'm looking at. However I've read some stuff about FCOM but that seems like a hell of an install when I glanced over it. Didn't go too in-depth though.


Edit: Oops totally lied. My NexusClient is in Program Files, but I have something else from NMM installed in C:\Games that has the skyrim mods themselves in it. Should I uninstall and get that out of Program files just for the future?

Edited by Rimarlk
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Backup, backup, backup! I've no experience with NMM but check to see if there are any instructions for moving it. If you have backups of your saves and mods you'll have a way of getting things back if moving NMM causes problems. Merry Christmas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the Steam version of TES4 GOTY Deluxe installed into X86 Program Files, have OBSE installed and a couple dozen mods as well. I've added retextures, body types, character overhauls, magic overhauls, etc.....and I've just completed the mages' guild quests and some of the main quest all without a single hitch of any sort. It's very stable and has had no weird bugs/glitches and not a single freeze or crash (all while the XBox version would've driven me nuts by now LOL).

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