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Do Settlers and/or Settler guards specifically make use of Stimpaks?

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Do Settlers and/or Settler guards specifically, make use of Stimpaks during Combat?


I am not sure I ever observed them do it in 2100 hours of gameplay but I observed only very very few incidents of settelement combat and I was always there to quickly take care of business.


I have seen bad guy NPCs use them in Combat with me. Just never my own guys.


Still I am curious.

I have LOTS of stims right now.

Would it make sense to give some of them to my settlers and/or at least to my settler guards?

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Not that I have seen. They just drop to the ground and wait to recover. They can be killed, there is a home site in the south that I avoid building in because super mutants attack regularly and if I miss the attack warning that community gets wiped out.

What location is that?

I build these great fortresses but rarely get to see them in action.

My southermost settlement is Somerville (Which is extra beefed up with 30 settlers, half of them armored up and very well armed fighters, one of them with legendary minigun in T60a PowerArmor even. Since no one else is close to support)

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Somerville?? I don't recall encountering that one... Gonna have to look it up. :D

In southwest of map to the east of Vault 95, near the swamp.


I always invest extra resources to make them more fortified because they are too far for fast support ( if this was all real)

I cant easily build a wall since the terrain is too hilly which makes my effort just too high.


I also cheat console a few male far Harbor settlers into the place and equip them with lots of armor and strong weapons (that I loot ) as fighters because they are much higher level than commonwealth settlers.

(I observed FH settlers to be level 12 or even 16 depning on your own level, whereas commonwealth settlers seem to be stuck at level 2, even if they are older looking dudes)

I also run Tales of the Commonwealth which gives you a few specific unique settlers to pick up amongst your travels that level with the player.

I always add one of those to Somerville as a "heavy" put them into power armor (with the settlers into PA mod) and the strongest heavy weapon I can spare.

The girls I always get from "Commonwealth Captives" mod, where you rescue captives of raiders (be sure to set all female captives in MCM which makes histoircal sense and since they are tied up nude in poses waiting for u to rescue them, you dont want to see dudes like that))

These girls are always the regular Commonwealth settler level of 2.


I always make sure its one of my bigger places after Sanctuary, the castle and Starlight.
It usually winds up in 4th biggest settlement place in NPC size after those 3.


Again reason is,they are far away from the rest of my settlements/forces and also a strong gunner base is in proximity (which I wont say where to avoid a spoiler) and also they are south enough that they are close the glowing sea and its assorted monsters .

So if this was all real ( which is how I try to play) you would want to fortify them so they dont fall and also to gain a strong foothold for the minutemen in the region.


But ultimatly attacks to Somerville are very rare for me.

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I believe it is Somerville, is there a swing and the garden is on the side of broken house?

vanilla settlers are protected, only the player or scripted kill actions can kill them

you can use setessential on the settler base id to first make them essential and then unessential which will usually remove the protected flag unless the npc is currently in use by a quest

Edited by focusingfoundation
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