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Vortex is managing a mod for a game that isn't even installed.


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Yes, that folder and anything in it.

Sorry once again, I really barely know what I'm doing, but is it safe to remove this folder? There's so many subfolders with so much stuff I barely recognise, there's the skse files and all, the Data folder is pretty full of stuff. The entire Skyrim SE folder is about 2GB. I mean how will this affect me trying to reinstall Skyrim SE one day? will there be extra problems cause by this? and is doing this even guaranteed to solve my problems or is it more a shot in the dark? thank you for any additional advice

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If you've uninstalled the game then anything left in that folder is either mods you installed manually or files generated by mods you had installed.


In either case, they are not part of the actual game and can only cause you problems if you try to reinstall the game someday.

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If you've uninstalled the game then anything left in that folder is either mods you installed manually or files generated by mods you had installed.


In either case, they are not part of the actual game and can only cause you problems if you try to reinstall the game someday.

oh alright then, thanks for explaining this, I guess I'll go delete the folder and see if it anything happens, though one last question, do I unistall the folder itself or just it's contents? Like do I need to keep that empty folder or will steam just generate a new one the moment i reinstall skyrim?

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