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Why is there no mod for visual equipment and inventory bar?


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Well, it's not from Skyrim because nobody has ever made a paper-doll style inventory for Skyrim. It's for illustrative purposes.


Anyway, no sign of such a mod. Either technical limitations or nobody has been interested.

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That is not from Skyrim for sure. Some other game.


About seeing self as you change gear: Show Player in Menus


As far as showing equipped items in a grid - not certain if it is possible. Skyrim uses a 'slot bit' system where any given item can occupy any number of those bits. Vanilla gear is just body, hands, feet, head, ring, amulet, shield, weapon. But technically there are 32 wear slots, 2 hand slots, an ammo slot, a shout slot. A full-face helmet might occupy head, hair, long hair, face, ears and circlet slots all at once. Or you can have a wig in hair/long hair, earrings, mask and circlet as all separate equips. Typical vanilla body armors are body/forearms/calves, but you can also wear three separate items in those. Not to mention that various mods often take liberties with non-vanilla slots. What one mod uses for a pauldron, another may use for cloak or a left-hand ring.

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Well, it's not from Skyrim because nobody has ever made a paper-doll style inventory for Skyrim. It's for illustrative purposes.


Anyway, no sign of such a mod. Either technical limitations or nobody has been interested.


Thank you for your reply.Like you said, this is a pity。

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