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Far Harbor: Has anyone ever just ....

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Has anyone ever just had enough of the crazy Children of Atom and walked through the Nucleus and killed them all to remove this threat from the Island?


And not used the Nuclear Device like the game steers you to, in order to bring peace to the Island?


If I was a Real world T60f wearing, legendary mingun toting, war machine, that seems an easier/faster solution, than going through the rigamarole of the nuclear device preparation,

Also this approach removes the radiation risk to the island from the nuclear device going off, which real world, I could not possibly calculate prior to use.


Also last playthrough I was asked to "infiltrate" and I am not doing that again.

Just wearing thier vile robes had me shuddering in disgust and the crazy was just pouring out of every pore of these creeps.


Would NPCs consider it more evil to walk trhough and shoot everyone vs setting off the nuclear device?

Would they react different to the SS afterwards at all?


I am sure unlike the Nuclear Device solution, some companions if they were around,would consider it murder, but they aren't and they won't be.

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I thought about it, but never did. Not in Far Harbour anyway.


Ridding the world from religious zealots is my favorite post-apocalypse pastime, so these 'atoms kids' usually get shot on sight :P

...and I'm very sceptical about this Dima thing, but sofar I usually do the quest so to bring peace to the island.

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I thought about it, but never did. Not in Far Harbour anyway.


Ridding the world from religious zealots is my favorite post-apocalypse pastime, so these 'atoms kids' usually get shot on sight :tongue:

...and I'm very sceptical about this Dima thing, but sofar I usually do the quest so to bring peace to the island.

I am not a huge Dima fan either.

He kinda gets presented with his soothing voice with the well worn meme "civil rights leader for the oppressed" ,snicker, but (well spoilers so I wont post it)

Also after a bit I also figured out, he likely he tries to convince just about eveyrone that they are a synth.


So not a fan of Dima as a "person", if this was all real, no matter how gentle or trusthworthy he sounds.

And of coruse we found out quite abit about him so his goals are still honorable (as far as we know from his own statements)

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I thought about it, but never did. Not in Far Harbour anyway.


Ridding the world from religious zealots is my favorite post-apocalypse pastime, so these 'atoms kids' usually get shot on sight :tongue:

...and I'm very sceptical about this Dima thing, but sofar I usually do the quest so to bring peace to the island.

I am not a huge Dima fan either.

He kinda gets presented with his soothing voice with the well worn meme "civil rights leader for the oppressed" ,snicker, but (well spoilers so I wont post it)

Also after a bit I also figured out, he likely he tries to convince just about eveyrone that they are a synth.


So not a fan of Dima as a "person", if this was all real, no matter how gentle or trusthworthy he sounds.

And of coruse we found out quite abit about him so his goals are still honorable (as far as we know from his own statements)


His goals may be honorable, but, his methods certainly aren't...... He is no better than the institute, and uses the same methods....

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