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Newton's laws!


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Newton's Laws!

We all know the original 3 laws of motion...but in fact there are many more than that. They effect our everyday lives more than we know...so I have made this topic so you can post any additional laws you come across in your life. Post a law and I'll add it to the list. ~This is not a serious thread


Law #0: The word EPIC must be spell with all caps and bolded in order to properly portray the EPICness.

Law #1: Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward.

Law #2: The change of momentum of a body is proportional to the impulse impressed on the body, and happens along the straight line on which that impulse is impressed.

Law #3: For a force there is always an equal and opposite reaction: or the forces of two bodies on each other are always equal and are directed in opposite directions.

Law #pi (3.14): There are no other laws than those found here.

Law #4: Toast will always land on the floor condiment-side down, there are no exceptions to this rule.

Law #7: Fishy sticks can hit objects in a dimension that is not your own.

Law #9: You cannot EPICly ban Law# pi, you can only EPICy deny it with EPIC force.

Law #16/0: It is physically impossiple to divide by 0, attempting to do so will result in an atomic explosion.

Law #42: It is impossible for forum bans to bounce off of a sheep.

Law #217: It is physically impossible for forum members going by the name of calliton and/or his hands/fingers to properly utilize punctuation and/or capitalization via the act of typing on an object known as a keyboard.

Law #765: Gir must never stop dancing. http://fc03.deviantart.com/fs19/f/2007/246/f/f/Gir_Rox_by_HillyBilee.gif

Law #777 (Law & Fist): Chuck Norris is the most EPIC! The 3rd law never applies for Chuck Norris.

Law #1000: Forum members by the name of thor are indescriminate, they will hit you no matter what dimension you are currently in.

Law #NAC (Not a Clue): If you type "Google" into Google, you can cause the internet to explode.

Law #NAC2: The word Google can be endlessly multiplied in the Google-search, causing the internet to explode endlessly.

Law #NA (never ask): Chuck Norris always wins , and Bruce Willis never dies, it just isn't physically possible.

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