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Suddenly neither my PA nor me take any damage


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It seems like God mode is toggled but it is not (I checked).


I noticed a while ago my power armor did not seem to take damage.

I ascribed this to my recent mod that lower damage rates to the PA.

(I checked it and it did, but u still got damage on the health of the armor, just at a lesser rate so u dont have to fix it all the time)


But lately there was no deyning my PA was suffering no damage at all ( the no damage to Players PA cheat mode is also not enabled, I checked)


Also I seemed to be undamaged myself even from tough fights

I first figured it was due to my good armor (T60F) and my high level.


But also I noticed I got no rads anymore anywhere.


In the water thats expected, because I have aquaboy and on top of that I added, no rad damage from water, to protect NPCs, friend and foe alike from swimming to thier deaths.


But just now it all came to head and I decided to take off my armor in the glowing sea:

No rads of any kind ( I do not have the mod installed that removes all rads from the game, never did, even though I thought about it)


I can now walk through the glowing sea w/o PA, take no damage from rads or fights but no god mode ot the like enabled.


Any Suggestions?



EDIT it was hard to notice at first since I am approx Level 100, found a lot of high end legendary weapons in all my travels and have combat perks stacked and maxed out for those weapons ( automatic and heavy) and critical inreasing perks maxed as well.

So fights are always very short, even for the toughest of enemies ( enraged fogcrawler, mirelurk queens, legendary glowing radscorpions, behemoths and the like all die in a single VATS turn. Most of them in the beginning of it and I still have plenty APs left over. I dont even need VATS anymore to vanquish the toughest enemies the game offers.)

So not suffering damage was not noticed at first.

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Yeah, but, when you started your high level guy, you didn't have the problem either.... Can you see an interesting effects on your character that has the problem?

Nothing that was a giveaway.

I was able to pull out an older savefile and reboot it in another Vortex profile with the same mods.


Dozens of saves were somehow damaged and showed no damage to player or armor.

I even tested them in that pump station at that one lake that has the mirelurk queen in it.

I went in without armor and just my fists, the poor thing ran from me in the room and tried ot sqeeze into a corner when it realized I was vulnerable to its attacks.


Rolled back about 20-25 hrs of playtime.

but its ok, now I am back in Farharbor one of my favorite areas. :)

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Sometimes I go through this problem. I fix it by going to a settlement, going into building mode, and exiting the building mode automatically by crossing the settlement build limit barrier. Hope it works with you and gives a clue to fix it permanently possibly

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16 hours ago, MannyParada said:



Sometimes I go through this problem. I fix it by going to a settlement, going into building mode, and exiting the building mode automatically by crossing the settlement build limit barrier. Hope it works with you and gives a clue to fix it permanently possibly

Thanks for the pointer.

however I found an easier solution with console command in another thread.

~player.setghost 0



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