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End of year network review


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This is mind blowing. And going over the comments, it's even more mind blowing to see more people saying stuff along the lines "I don't care about your problems fix the site!"


Hateful, spoiled rotten brats.


The fact you guys (all FIVE of you) put up with it is amazing to me. You guys deserve a much needed break. Technology is both the love and loathe of my life and I understand how irritating it is when something doesn't work like you expected it to, as well as have everyone else bitching about it not working around you. Days like that I just want to rip my hair out and tell them to shove it.


Good luck with the servers and your service, guys. You deserve much better than some of the hateful comments I just read, specially since a lot of this comes out of your own pocket.

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I'm a premium member and I suppose I should have a b&@*$, but I don't. I'd premium again if it helped you guys out. I also know how frustrating it can be working with all this. To the trolls out there, go take a nap, it's way past your bedtime. Sounds like you could use one. Dark0ne, don't loose the faith. There's lots of patient folks out here, understanding. Keep up the good work!
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I love this site and everything you do to keep it running as smooth as you can. If I have to reload the page I'm on a few times or wait through a bit of maintenance then so be it. The Skyrim Nexus has made Skyrim an infinitely replayable game for me without forcing a dime out of my pocket. Thank you again!
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I admit I haven't kept up with the Nexus' admin. updates, and I didn't know that there was such a major overhaul being done over the Summer. I just upgraded to a 1440p monitor, and it has made me want to replay New Vegas in all its beautiful glory. I think because my NMM was so out of date, that might have been why I had log-in issues that persisted even after updating. Whatever the case, it finally decided to work properly after it saw me with the blow torch in hand.


Since you have already seen us do it previously, perhaps you should hit up we Premium members for some added help in getting you a new hire. I'll gladly pitch in to the cause, and I think others would. too.

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I'd just like to take a moment to thank Dark0ne, the rest of the Nexus team, and all the modders who contribute to this truly amazing website. All of you have made Skyrim, and many other titles, have limitless hours of incredible re-playability. You have transcended Skyrim in particular beyond anything BGS likely would have measured or conceived possible.


I thank you for your effort. I thank you for your time. I thank you for all the pain, sweat, and tears that go into making this a functioning and truly amazing experience for all those concerned. Without Nexus, Skyrim wouldn't be half the game that it is. I think BGS knows that and certainly everyone here does. Thank you for this opportunity and know that there will always be those grateful for your hard work and efforts.


I wish you a more successful and less stressful 2014! Cheers to the best modding site on the planet!

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Just started modding a month ago or so, after playing 250 hours of Skyrim on the 360, and The 50 hours I've put in the modded PC version is some of the most fun I've ever had in gaming. Keep up the good work, and remember all the negativity is a loud minority, but the silent majority of people are very thankful for all the hard work, keep it up!
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Many,many thanks for a great website and for all the hard work and foresite to try and make it even better.

May the new year bring you all you wish for and may you wish for all you get.

Happy New Year when it comes :)


Question! Was the time it took you to write this article (post) classed as a rest peiod? rofl

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