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Is there anyway to keep certain websites from coming up in search results?


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I'm sick of nothing but reddit coming up every time I do a search. That site is nothing but trolls and disinformation, and I don't want to see it anymore. I also have a small list of other sites I'd like to block. However, I can't find anyway to do it. I've tried two addons for firefox, but neither of them worked. The first just made you unable to open certain links, they still appear in your searches as normal. The second did nothing at all. Worse yet, most results I get when trying to look this up is stinking reddit and stack exchange and other misinformation websites.


Is there no way to do this? Is there no way to keep stinking reddit posts from flooding your search results? I'm having to ask here because I literally can find no other place to ask this, because all I get is freaking reddit and stack exchange! What the crap? I really wonder why I even bother with the internet anymore. It seems like the only thing I use it for is to download mods for Skyrim and that's it.


edit: Sorry for my tone, I've just been losing my mind with this. I'm sick of all these websites coming up all the time that I never want to see again, and my inability to do anything about it.

Edited by InDarkestNight
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