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Do you smoke?


Are you a smoker?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you a smoker?

    • Yes, and proud of it. I smoke many cigarettes a day.
    • Yes, but I'd like to quit. I smoke many cigarettes a day.
    • I smoke occasionally, but I'm not too worried about it.
    • I smoke occasionally, but I'd like to quit.
    • I just smoke on special occasions.
    • I just smoke on special occasions, but I'd like to quit.
    • I used to smoke, but I quit.
    • I tried it, but didn't like it.
    • I have never smoked, but I want to try.
    • I have never smoked, nor do I want to.

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I got Pneumonia ( Have NO clue how to spell it ) from my father smoking so much. Asked him to quit and he did but I definitly don't plan on smoking, Got my own sob story.

Yes you did spell pneumonia correctly. What a touching story, I wish I had one like that...


When I was 13 I got bullied into having a ciggy. I put it in my mouth and pretended to take it in, and that was the end of it.

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Yeah, plus some scientists now believe that second hand smoking (being near smokers) can be worse than actually smoking, over a long period of time.


In Ireland (or N.Ireland, can't remember) I think they banned smoking in pubs and restaurants.

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My Grandma smoke at least to packs a day. Im pretty worried about it because the ciggarets are really constricting her life span and everyone knows it. Anyway i smoked once a few months ago but it was a cigar, is a cigar as harmful as a ciggy?



also, yeah it was Ireland were somking was banned in public places.

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cigars arnt so bad there are less chemicals in them (provided it was a good one i only smoke cubins) and you basicly bum puff them as aposed to inhaleing... people will tell you that they have enough nicoteen in them to kill 2 horses... and there right but nicoteen itself in small doeses is actualy good for you its the tar and other chemicals in cigerets that will kill ya :) also my grand maa smoked from 14 - 60 then quit she is powering on at 91 now and showing no signs of slowing down :)


forgot to mention i only smoke cigars now (one a month or on special ocations... eg poker night) but yeah since quiting ciggerets my helth has improved no end :)

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i did for about 6 months then i managed to quit, one day i thought "hang on why am i even smoking" and havent since then...the only thing ive ever been addicted to is C&C...been playing against my bro since 1998 and he still wins 80% of the time :/ ...i swear he cheated last night...ahem.


But hey, i smoked and i didnt die, so theres no need to think that if you smoke you'll die...well, not necessarily.

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(**Bad joke alert!!!**)


A man walks into a shop and asks the shopkeeper for some Worcester sauce crisps.

Shopkeeper: Sorry, they're off the shelves. Cancer scare.

Customer: Oh. OK. Chicken Wings?

Shopkeeper: Cancer scare.

Customer: Cottage Pie?

Shopkeeper: They're all the same. Cancer scare.

Customer: Oh. I'll just have a packet of fags then.

Shopkeeper: Certainly, £4.50 please.

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Its a waste of time and money to smoke. My dad quit just over 2 years ago and is feeling better than ever. My step-dad still does, but he makes a pack last up to a week or two. Never really kept track of it, so I'm not positive, but since my dad quit, I've been able to smell smoke on kids at school. It gives me a headache, so I vowed never to. Not to mention that my dad would kill me...
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