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Stupid grid snap


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everytime I try to put two pieces together they dont match up right so they either have a split showing the grey or they keep buzzing around because the interior pieces are overlapping by 0.0000000000000000000005 %


its so annoying, Bethesdas grid snap sucks!


is it that or is it something im not doing right?


because im really getting pissed off! goddamnit why the hell wont they stick together!!!!!

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yeah in the options you can alter the grid snap


exponents of 2 are good


2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 ect


as most of the objects in game a build to these fairly generic specifications


and relax man bethesda have done a good job you just dident find the option yet (blaming someone else is the quickest way to make the same mistake twice)

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Also, some pieces you need to try in both directions before they'll fit together. Or they may just not be made to fit together. Make sure they're on the same Z axis level as eachother too.


It's strange, I always got along fine with defaults... and I do a lot of interior building.

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I too am a perfectionist, and sometimes get frusterated with things not always lining up right. But sometimes you just gotta say screw it, close enough. I know it's easier to make it right to start with than trying to fix one static out alignment when everything else is lined up to it, you have to fix either half of the whole cell. aargh. But what I'm getting at is, just make the plugin FUN. If the player is too busy having fun they won't notice or care about a 0.0000000000000000000005 % mismatch.
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Before I figured out how to set it without going in the properites and setting it (I now use Z/X/Y + RMB/LMB), I was getting frustrated because it took so long. What I do now is set the Angle Snap to 15 or 5 (whatever floats your boat.) and I set the grid snap to 1. So the pieces will always be like:

X- 1763.000

Y- 2374.000

Z- 125.000


And I dont have to worry about gaps. The opnly time I do is when I set something on an angle and its hard to work with while the grid snap is on, so thats when I go into the object properties and mess with the arrows and such. I find this is the easiest way to set pieces. I'm sure that setting the angle snap to 1 wouldnt be too bad for the intricate work, but I find that 5 works the best. I suggest you try this as it makes my work go much faster.

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no. I mean every time I use any grid snap of any number it always overlaps like it wasnt made to fit but two velothian pieces of in_v_s_room_01 or something and a hallway. they always overlap!
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