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I wear gears mostly enchanted by myself (it took a lot while all was ready to use :) )

Volita's Airleg Pants const. Levitate 1-3 pt (makes a refreshing change when i reuse it :blink: )

Volita's Shirt of Relief 8-14 pts Feather (const.)

Volita's Waterproof Shoes (Waterwalk) or Volita's Waterdeep Ring (Waterbreath & Swift Swim, all constant)

Mask of Claviculus Vilae (?spelling) -- as i've seen, it's a very popular thing :)

Volita's Right Glove (const. Light -- i've just read everyone uses Night Eye, interesting, which one would be better)

Volita's Left Glove, restore health 1 pt, const.

ready for use:

Volita's Chantgleamer Ring (det. Enchantment 14 ft)

Volita's Manipulation amulet (Open 100pts & Telekinesis)

Staff of Magnus at my hands (just indicating, i'm a magic-user of a sort B) )

and travelling, i change to Boots of Blinding Speed (as a Breton, it is effortless) & Volita's Smooth Travel (a ring with 100% invisibility -- would be better, but i haven't found an item what could be enchanted with 100% Chameleon, 30-40% was the utmost i reached :( )

nevertheless, sometimes i wear the Domina Armor, just for look :D , mainly, if i speak with important persons and don' just gotta kill every movin' thinggy :ph34r:

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Volita's Smooth Travel (a ring with 100% invisibility -- would be better, but i haven't found an item what could be enchanted with 100% Chameleon, 30-40% was the utmost i reached


You can put constant invis and 10pts Night eye on an exquisite ring, but I prefer Chameleon (it doesn't disappear everytime you interact with something).


Prefer Night Eye to light as same price, but Night Eye doesn't show up to other people, meaning its harder to see me, even though I can see other people

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thx Pob, you're right, Night Eye is better in effect, i never have it used yet


i also prefer Chameleon but i cannot enchant something with 100% Chameleon just with 30-40% (my Illusion skill is quite low, if it counts, or there aren't gloves, shoes, shirts, belts [what i reguralry use] admitting the necessary enchantment) so i have to be content with my invisibility ring :)

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My gear for my fighter is as follows


Daedric Left & Right gauntlet both with fortify Strength (max points)

Daedric Cuirass with fortify Strength (max points)

Daedric Greaves with fortify Strength (max points)

Daedric Boots with fortify Strength (max points)

Daedric Pauldron Left & Right with fortify Strength (max points)

Black Expensive pants (otherwise it looks weird with white pants hanging out) with fortify Strength (max points)

Exquisite Cape (from the Cloak Collection Mod) with fortify Strength (max points)

Exquisite Ring +24 Strength

Exquisite Ring +4-5 Health Regen Constant

Exquisite Belt +8 Fatigue Regen Constant

Daedric Longsword (i'll be damned if i can spell the name) enchanted with Absorb health over 1 second max value which is 31 i think


As you can see all my effects are constant except the weapon

The + strength rounds to +140 giving me a wooping 240 strength and the ability to hold around 1200kgs in items (oh yes i can raid an entire vault and still walk out on my feet)


Sorry i couldnt give the values of the strength for each item but i havent played my fighter for at least a week (wow thats a LONG time). And as you noticed my Gal dont wear a helm because it would hide her pretty face. One other thing thats only the stuff she WEARS theres plenty being held such as a constant night eye amulet, Golden Saint summing amulets, amor eating amulets ect.

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thx Pob, you're right, Night Eye is better in effect, i never have it used yet


i also prefer Chameleon but i cannot enchant something with 100% Chameleon just with 30-40% (my Illusion skill is quite low, if it counts, or there aren't gloves, shoes, shirts, belts [what i reguralry use] admitting the necessary enchantment) so i have to be content with my invisibility ring


No probs Palla, I ahve 2 24% rings of chameleon(exqusitie) you could prob do it if you had those and amulet and a belt (all exqusite)


The things that influence how much you can put on are the quality of the item, the size and soul in the soul gem. Your enchnat skill detemrines your chance of sucess

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Theres an easy way to get 100% chamleon if you use a Daedric tower shield you already have 45% there add two rings each 24% then just add a shirt or belt and you've got 100%. The shield aint over hot looking but your mad if you dont use it for big stat boons (unless your using an ENTIRE set of armor reguardless of enchantment values. You can get a daedric tower shield off golden saints after you summon, kill them and loot them (could be called cheating) but if you look hard enough you should find one genuinely.


Hope this helps with your chamleon problem. Oh yeh your gonna need a whole bunch of golden saint souls to do it and a heap of money if you dont use the sorta cheats way of enchanting yourself.


Another way you can get around gathering gear for a while is make a spell with 100% chamleon it wont last to long and will cost quite a bit but should last just long enough to snatch up good loot from unsuspecting vendors.

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yea i've always wondered it pillaging your summons counts as cheating since it is something that the game naturally allwos and could have likely been fixed in a patch

well its not a cheat as such but it is an exploit which is almost the same as cheating


i dont use it personally :P

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