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Chuck norris jokes


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things to use the Internets for:


1.porn (sad but true)


2.this site


3.chuck Norris jokes


It's a peace of pop culture legend only rivaled by that numa-numa kid


so post any norris joke that comes to mind and I'll start


1. chuck norris has been know to deliver near fatal hand shakes.


2. the mafia can make any one dissapier. Chuck Norris is exempt from this rule

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Here's a few that made many an Animanian crack up:


Elton John turned gay for Chuck Norris.


Chuck Norris simply walks into Mordor.


If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you.


There is no 'ctrl' button on Chuck Norris's computer. Chuck Norris is always in control.

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What do you call Chuck Norris when he is very amused?

Chuckle Norris!


What do you call Chuck Norris when his is very sick?

Chuck Up Norris! (or Chunder Norris!)


What do you call Chuck Norris when he turns into a small evil monster?

Chucky Norris!


What do you call a foolish Chuck Norris?

Chump Norris!


What do you call Chuck Norris if he becomes an ape?

Chimp Norris!


What do you call Chuck Norris if he wins something?

Champ Norris!


What do you call Chuck Norris if he gets very cold?

Chilled Norris!


What do you call Chuck Norris if he is trying to get a woman?

Charmer Norris!


What if Chuck Norris is having a bad day?

Challenged Norris!


What do you call Chuck Norris if he confronts you face to face?


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bill gates lives in constant fear that chuck norris' pz will crash


chuck norris can recycke the recycling bin


chuck norris can strangle you with a cordless phone


chuck norris does not condone violence, violence condones chuck norris


on his birthday, chuck norris throws one lucky boy into the sun


i could go on forever, but i have work soon and its dark out

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Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch,he DECIDES what time it is.


Instead of toilet paper,Chuck Norris uses sand paper.


Chuck Norris can divide by zero.


Chuck Norris once counted to infinity,twice.

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jaysus has no fear of getting wet, the water fears him..

jaysus has no fear of death, death fears him...

oh damn wrong guy...


only bruce lee could stand up to chuck norris, and he is dead...

chuck norris never goes bowling, the cones would drop dead anyway when they see him...



actually i think Hanzo would pwn Chucks ass if theyd ever meet...

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