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What are the best quest mods?


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Next playthrough, I'd like to try a quest mod. The closest I've used is Heather and Ivy mods.


Is Fen Sheriff's worth it? I've seen mixed reviews. What about thuggysmurf's mods?

-Depravity by thuggy is pretty awesome.

And not really as sex oriented as the name would suggest, just a solid plot with believable characters. Also with complex raider personas you can interact with w/o a firefight.

I often dislike that the sole interaction we othwerise have with raiders is just to kill them.

They are human beings too and this modDLC makes it clear.

Has several well written quests, that are logical (unlike Mad max Fury Road more on that below) make operaional sense ( as far as possible in a computer game) and the ultimate reward is quite cool and also not implausible.


- Outcasts and remnants is another, though its a bit smaller and really goes hand in hand with depravity, like a DLC for a DLC. if that makes any sense. But if you like Preston this one is not for you. the authors did him dirty and he becomes a unforgivably unsavory charcter in it.

- Fusion City: all comments to Outcasts also apply to Fusion City.


-I tried Fen's Sherriff department.

I love the basic premise behind it.: The largest/richest settlement in the Commonwealth should be defended by more than just guys with pipe rifles and baseball pads.

It makes sense for a town that sells fusion cores to have at least some staff equipped with power Armor and heavy weapons.

And the visual "police" version of Power Armor with police lights on top in there is a very clever touch.

Great visuals in this mod combined with a logical premise.


I played the first few quests and they were a quite buggy but in many respects well made and it IS a piece of fan work so one expects bugs and accepts them.

I did have to research and then use alot of console commands to get through though.


I did not like you must a mandatory companion as I prefer to wander solo because companions tend to block doorways and my field of fire.

Having to adjust for that it often seems to make me less effective in a firefight rather than the extra person being helpful.

Also the casting for Fen's Sherrif's department is just terrible.

First of all the Sheriff is not only young (not a likely condtion for being in such a senior position!) but also female.

Sure one odd casting in accordance with modern "fashion" no biggie right?


But the head power Armor mechanic of the Fen's Sherrif's Dept is also a stunning and brave girl. Who travels to fight the biggest Raider gang in the commonweatlh and risk her life and yours for .. a motorocycle engine. Thats how cool and butch she is! :dry:

And the FSD doctor is also stunning and brave etc etc. All the tropes.

(what do the leadership in paramilitary organizations in wastelands lookslike? What does the crew of a somali pirate boat look like? or a JanJaweed militia raid team? or a Hutu ethnic militia?, or for that matter a Sheriff outside anywhere but California?, or, or , or, or) AND the "sheriff" looks EXACTLY like Imperator Furiosa ( :pirate: ) from that absolutely absurd Mad Max fury road movie that destroyed the mad max franchise.)


Aaaand .... in yet another trope she, the sherriff, has a backstory as a renegade brotherhood paladin who we are told could (of course!) have risen even to the very top in the BOS, but she was just too cool and ethical for that outfit. :ermm:

That scene was as far as I got and I just couldn't take it anymore.


It's a shame too; the FSD had so much potential and has a good, maybe even brillant, premise behind it.


- As a quest mod, I really like Xander's Aid the most of all.

Written by Neeher who is otherwise most known for his awesome select power armor and weapons item downloads on nexus.

But this is really his masterpiece IMHO.


Smart, well casted and a bit grandiose if you follow it down the rabbit hole all the way.

Almost no bugs.

One of the scariest moments of the entire frnachise (to me) during one of the quests.

made my hair stand on its end (I get pretty immersed if the writing is good)

Power armor is IMO a must, as you will do some traveling to a site deep in the glowing sea (and back).

Also you get one of the best written companions ever for part of the quest. (u can keep or dismiss after that, he levels with the player)


The best loot of any Mod I seen so far (but you have to find it. and no I am not talking about the submachine gun that you will invariably find)

I keep going back to that new worldspace again and again even after completion of all quests.

You dont have to be level 100 to play it btu dont be level 10 either.

I'd say minimum of level 30 if you are a combat oriented build.

I went through as level 40 and it was a challenge.

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Thank you, 363rdChemicalCompany. that is exactly the feedback I'm looking for.


You are very welcome.


Also let me add some nuances to my outcasts and remnants (from thuggy) comment.

Even though the authors did Preston dirty and turned him into an evil character they did so in a plausible and very well written manner.

And you wont find out until near the end of that quest mod.

(Deleted this next paragraph, since it was flirting too close with spoiler status.)

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Next playthrough, I'd like to try a quest mod. The closest I've used is Heather and Ivy mods.


Is Fen Sheriff's worth it? I've seen mixed reviews. What about thuggysmurf's mods?

The Fens Sheriff Department is the new mod of the year. The Thuggysmurf mods are good, as is Tales from the Commonwealth by Kris Takahashi. Rounding out this bunch as mods by Neeher and Seddon. I recently enjoyed Nuka-World Reborn and Viva Nuka-World by Envy.

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I forgot this one.


Atom's Storm.

Only playable as a high level charcter that is well armed and has a good power armor.

but a lot of fun.

replayable since the uest itself it small and not the focus , its the huge extra landscape and locations in the glowing sea.

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What sort of playthrough experience are you looking for?


In addition to the ones people have already suggested (which are all very good in different ways), I would recommend Sim Settlements 2. To me, SS2 feels like it could've been an actual official DLC, it fits into the game in a way that makes you forgot your actually playing modded content .

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This page could serve as a handy reference for good quest mods.




Unfortunately, the link did not save the most endorsed heading, so where it says Date Published, switch that to endorsements or downloads.


Hope that helps.

Edited by Moksha8088
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