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Need help getting TES5Edit to find my Skyrim.ini file


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Like title says. I have the location of the Skyrim.ini and I have TES5Edit installed in it's own folder inside of the main directory (this has always worked before in the past). The only thing I need help with is trying to identify how to tell TES5Edit where the ini file is. It's defaulting to the Windows path when I need it to use the Debian path, which is a bit more of a complex path because of wine.

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Since I realize I'm probably getting ignored for asking what might seem to be a "dumb question", I should specify the problem. (Seems to be a trend that everytime I post here I always get ignored).


I am using Lutris to launch TES5Edit which works. Skyrim is installed with steam in it's intended location. TES5Edit exists in the folders path/Skyrim/Modding Tools/TES5Edit folder, It launches normally but it gives the following error:




Using ini: C:\users\steamuser\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Skyrim.ini
Fatal: Could not find ini


The problem is this pathing works if I was on Windows, but I'm not. The path that the ini is actually in looks like this




Z:/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/72850/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Skyrim/


I simply need to know how to make TES5Edit point to the intended location not the one it's trying and failing to reach.

Edited by LegendaryHiccupz
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Since I realize I'm probably getting ignored for asking what might seem to be a "dumb question", I should specify the problem. (Seems to be a trend that everytime I post here I always get ignored).


I am using Lutris to launch TES5Edit which works. Skyrim is installed with steam in it's intended location. TES5Edit exists in the folders path/Skyrim/Modding Tools/TES5Edit folder, It launches normally but it gives the following error:




Using ini: C:\users\steamuser\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Skyrim.ini
Fatal: Could not find ini


The problem is this pathing works if I was on Windows, but I'm not. The path that the ini is actually in looks like this




Z:/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/72850/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Skyrim/


I simply need to know how to make TES5Edit point to the intended location not the one it's trying and failing to reach.


A few things to note about the guide you linked me. It doesn't specify where exactly I'm supposed to write the -I argument. On Linux my only option is through Lutris, because wine is fickle on my machine involving 32x and because it's the only way I can create a launch argument to begin with. This is what I get when I try to use said argument ('username' is just me censoring out my machine's names):



TES5Edit 4.0.4 (103758D4) starting session 2023-07-17 20:24:35

Using Skyrim Data Path: Z:\home\username\.steam\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\
Using Backup Path: Z:\home\username\.steam\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\TES5Edit Backups\
Using Scripts Path: Z:\home\username\.steam\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Modding Programs\TES5Edit 4.0.4\Edit Scripts\
Using Cache Path: Z:\home\username\.steam\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\TES5Edit Cache\
Using ini: Z:/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/72850/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My
Fatal: Could not find ini


The other thing to note here is that Linux uses / for it's pathing instead of \ and I'm not basically not allowed to use the \ for arguments or pathing unless it's inside of an otherwise Windows-made program. Is there not a way to make TES5Edit, on it's own, find the path from within it's own program? Even if I have to make a custom edit script? I was never a coder to begin with.


Ultimately the real solution would be to have a functioning mod manager specifically for Linux machines but I'm not holding my breath on that.



Edit: You know what. Never mind, even though Linux's userbase is spiking up pretty hard these days, it really was retarded of me to think I could ask a Linux question on a Windows platform despite it not really being a Linux problem to begin with but that doesn't matter these days does it? Any moderator: Close this thread please. It's not going to go anywhere.

Edited by LegendaryHiccupz
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