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Kinda regret my choice of CPU, i9 10900kf

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Just don't install the ultimate edition of Scrap Everything. I think that one breaks previs/precombines for the entire map, and that WILL have a negative effect on performance. :smile:


Texture mods, or high-poly meshes aren't your friend. At least, not running too many of them. (I have 'green commonwealth, or somesuch, and that's the only one.) I turn off some of the 'prettys' in the launcher as well. Script heavy mods can be problematic..... but, with your hardware, you would have to have a fair few of 'em to start being a problem.


Check background processes, see what else is running. Put in an exception for your anti-virus for the game, and associated folders. (wherever your mod manager stashes the mods as well.) Windows tends to come with a fair of crap running at startup, that you have zero use for.... Kill those. :D

I have this version:



also my antivirus bitdefender is a bit hungry.


As for Win 11 I dont really know what I can turn off and what not....

I do already turn off some obvious stuff ( extra browers etc)

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The "Ultimate" edition is offered when the installer runs. Its an option. Don't select it. :D


If what they claim ISN'T true, it'll be mentioned in the comments for the mod. I run Verdant Wasteland, and didn't notice any performance problems. :D

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just don't install the ultimate edition of Scrap Everything. I think that one breaks previs/precombines for the entire map, and that WILL have a negative effect on performance. :smile:


Texture mods, or high-poly meshes aren't your friend. At least, not running too many of them. (I have 'green commonwealth, or somesuch, and that's the only one.) I turn off some of the 'prettys' in the launcher as well. Script heavy mods can be problematic..... but, with your hardware, you would have to have a fair few of 'em to start being a problem.


Check background processes, see what else is running. Put in an exception for your anti-virus for the game, and associated folders. (wherever your mod manager stashes the mods as well.) Windows tends to come with a fair of crap running at startup, that you have zero use for.... Kill those. :D



I went back to uninstalled/ and reinstall and did as you said.



I may have to revise my disapointment on the performance of the chip.


it rips through even huge transfer settlment blueprints like no body's business and I suspect that's rather CPU heavy.

Also I did allow TSB to use multi threading (because why not, its a strong suit of this chip that gets used too little in FO4 otherwise)


Also I must revise:


With the XTU light-touch overlocking my chip is clearly humming along and not bottle necking my GPU.

Otherwise my GPU would be running at 80% as one website predicted with my combo of GPU/CPU.

However it doesnt; GPU runs at 98-99% in game with most settings a mix of high and ultra.

FPS in downtown boston aroud 90.


I still do get the occasional stutter but its not common enough to compromise gameplay.


CTDs do still happen and with my recent mod updates if anything have become more common especially on fast travel (game was real stable for a while) but I really like my recent mod addtions so I tolerate the increase in CTDs.


I hear CTDs can put some extra wear and tear on your chip but I dont care.

Will replace it with a i9 14900KF when those come out, supposedly in the next 3-6 months.

At that time will probably up my GPU as well; at least to a 4080 ti (if they make a ti, otherwise a jump from 4070 to 4080 seems too small for me for the expense+hassle of a changeout)

The 4090 is still too rich for my blood though...

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  • 1 month later...

Update: the i9140900KF is syuppsoed to come out Oct 17th. A freind already agreed to do the install with me ( for me really).

Debating if I should upgrade my 1T SSD to a 4T SSD , as my 1 T SSD is already 60% full and i dont like to run close.

Well, you are going to be right there anyway. :D Might just as well. (here, spend some more money, it's good for the economy. :D)

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  • 3 weeks later...

your cpu choice seems to me a bit overkill (13900 or 14900) for gaming or at least an enthusiast choice. have fun with it if you buy it! your room should be sufficiently heated during winter :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

your cpu choice seems to me a bit overkill (13900 or 14900) for gaming or at least an enthusiast choice. have fun with it if you buy it! your room should be sufficiently heated during winter :wink:

The reviews on the 14900KF that are trickling in are uniformily negative.

All of them attest to essentially same performance as 13900KF except in single core.

And that at the cost of extra power/heat.


Plus Id have to buy a new MB (and LGA1700 are not cheap) .


So sadly I will have to pass.

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