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Any mod or fix for fury/frenzy stupidity


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i just started a new game illusion based and have realized how stupid fury is done in this game. I mean my goal is make enemies fight each others to decimate it and when there are only a few of them then come close and kill the rest.


But i am a distance i can barely see them and shoot one of the fury, example:



me enemies


i cast speel on one of them, but instead of attacking his f*#@ing partner who is almost touching him, he charges towards me, ignoring the closest target, luring the rest with him, just like if had casted a offensive spell.


As i want to think this is not the correct behaviour for this spell, i wonder if there is some mod out there that fix this spell and make it work like its supposed to do.


Thank you

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The trick to making it work, at least for me, was to get out of sight before the spell hits them. The spell makes them attack the first thing they see, not the closest thing, and the spell also draws their attention to you. So you need to be out of sight when they are hit.


It's also possible that they stay more hostile to you than others even with their aggression maxed out, but not being seen will fix that too.

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i will try what you say about getting out of vision, but still thinl the spell is not working as in description:


Casting Fury causes foes up to level 6 to attack anything nearby for 30 seconds. I think nearby means the same as closest, also i was hiding in shadows and Quiet Casting, i am able to fire 5 arrows to a guy standing next to me before he notices im there, but i cast a spell to a guy its just 3 pixels in my screen and comes running and screaming to me. No, the spell is s#*! must be fixed to work like its description says it must work.

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I think spells like fury are best fired "from afar", ie, you're up on top of some cliff or other hard-to-get-to location, yet nearby enough for the spell to hit with time to spare to swap out for personal weapons or fire up a combat spell in case they're not already too distracted due to the effects of the Fury spell to chase *you*


but yeah, it's pretty worthless overall. Like has been said, my bow (and keeping it poisoned with alchemicals) will clear swathes. Enchanting it helps too. hmm well, maybe not so worthless if you have high level associated skills, but tbh, as something of a spell sword rogue, I tend to avoid ranking my magics skills aside from enchanting, so whaddoIknow?.

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It's a bit of a conflict between what the spell seems like it should do and how the game works.


The most noticeable problem is that as soon as the enemy is hit by the spell they switch from passive mode to "alert" or "combat" and both of those include a massive increaser in their perception. They instantly can see and hear you from much further away and see better through the dark. So even though they couldn't see you a moment ago, they can now.

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It's a bit of a conflict between what the spell seems like it should do and how the game works.


The most noticeable problem is that as soon as the enemy is hit by the spell they switch from passive mode to "alert" or "combat" and both of those include a massive increaser in their perception. They instantly can see and hear you from much further away and see better through the dark. So even though they couldn't see you a moment ago, they can now.

Well if Skyrim's magic just didn't include flashy visual and sound effects to announce their use... it's kind of like that local dude with the sword in the first Indiana Jones movie when the female lead gets captured by the Germans... flashy moves with a blade just don't beat a revolver no matter how you cut it.


You'd think the various colleges of mages would have created new spells a bit better than that by now... :wink:


(Closest thing would be runes, but they're like mines, not rifles)


(in character as a miffed mage) See, if they hadn't kicked ME out, I'd have produced a spell that would material the fireball or ice spike or whatever near the target and coming from another direction, but no..... they just laughed :wink:



( I agree. it's in part why I never play mage)

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i see, i was hoping to be able to play this game in a more interesting way that the usual cover them in arrows from shadows but i see this game only want us to play the same boring way, dont know why so many stupids spells and shouts if only the most dumb and basical works (fire and heal)


Also i repeat my question, with all the thousand mods out there, there are any that fix this? and make this spell work like it would? or its another: it just work of bugthesda

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Something you could consider: While in stealth cast a summon spell near them, then cast the frenzy spell. With any luck they will focus on the summon and then turn on each other. You'll need a summon that can withstand a few hits. The wolf won't cut it, it is too weak to be much of a distraction.

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