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From what I've heard from friends involved in various fanfiction communities, yes, it's illegal to steal someone else's characters/stories/etc and use them in your own work without permission. But most of the time, you can get away with it... they aren't actively prosecuting people unless you start causing a lot of trouble. As long as you don't try to publish it, you can write all the stories you want.
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So begins the last war of the Third Age


Whether it's legal or not, that guy should be put to the stakes for that :P


(I assume the above quote can be seen as a general example of the accuracy that person has mantained in his continuation of an uncontinuable story - heck, Tolkien himself failed at writing a sequel to the Lord of the Rings, how should that guy be able to accomplish one? - Not even to dig into the matter whether he has any right to do that at all, not only in legal terms.)

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