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FOMM Iliturate


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First off let me say no i am not blonde but i am a 48 year old woman that loves Fallout 3 but totally stupid when it comes to tech stuff

plug and play is my thing. I like alot of the modes that do total over hauls and make things prettier and clearer. But this FOMM is really showing me how stupid I can be. I dont understand the mod order thing and the mods i am playing I cant play on high res without it being unstable and crashing alot.

I can play them on Med for a while before it crashes but it still crashes. Also there are these red boxes and exclamation marks on some weapons like shot guns and cattle prods. SO i figure that those have to do with maybe my order in the FOMM is wrong. I am afraid of running too many mods but ALL ur mods are soooooooo good. I dont have any of the other official plugins I only have the original one that came out the first day it was Fallout 3 was released.

My computer is a Gateway GT5670 AMD Phenom 8400 Triple Core with a NVIDIA GeForce 8500GT video card and my monitor is a Westinghouse Ultra Hig Rez 19" plasma ( I know old school technology but its all i can afford) .

these are the mods I am running and in the order that the FOMM has it.

Please help me to get it stable and without the red boxes. and if u have any suggestions on better mods i am open to it.

the only thing is some of the mods are there for my sons use. like the nano suit, the weapons and the motorcycle. Any help or suggestions will help this old lady have fun with Fallout3. Thank you

:wallbash: :wallbash: :verymad: :biggrin: :thanks: :thanks:

[00] Fallout3.esm

[01] CALIBR.esm

[02] FOOK.esm

[03] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm

[04] HairPack.esm

[05] RRCompanionVault.esm

[06] RR5MoreFemales.esm

Total Master File(s): [7]

[07] FOOK.esp

[08] FOOK - Tougher Enemies.esp

[09] FOOK - Owned!.esp

[0A] FOOK - Free Play After MQ.esp

[0B] RRFOOK.esp

[0C] RRFemales.esp

[0D] RRGuards.esp

[0E] RRVaultNukaMachineFix.esp

[0F] RRWastelandPosters.esp

[10] Classic Fallout Weapons BETA.esp

[11] WeaponModKits - FOOK.esp

[12] WeaponModKits - CFW.esp

[13] WeaponModKits.esp

[14] Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

[15] Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp

[16] Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp

[17] Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

[18] Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK.esp

[19] HairPack-MMM-FOOK-v1_3b.esp

[1A] hair_add_npc.esp

[1B] eyesaddon.esp

[1C] eye_hair_en2.esp

[1D] Lil_Critters.esp

[1E] BetterHitSquads.esp

[1F] BigTownRobotFix.esp

[20] DriveableMotorCycle.esp

[21] NanoSystem.esp

[22] bzArmour-nude.esp

[23] 10mmTacSMG.esp

[24] 10mmTacSMGschematics only.esp

[25] ColtM4Carbines.esp

[26] PureWater-VeryClearNoRad-.esp

[27] Moira.esp

[28] No Blur Effect.esp

[29] AfrosNukaCola.esp

[2A] Improved Pristine Nuka-Cola Machine.esp

[2B] Fallout 3 2.esp

[2C] shopping-spree.esp

[2D] TradeworldFixV_1.esp

[2E] SuperDuperBasement.esp

[2F] UpgradedCaravanMerchants_Immortal.esp

[30] UpgradedCaravanMerchants.esp

[31] Cats Paw.esp

[32] silverstandard.esp

[33] FireLightFix.esp

[34] BobbleheadsFTW.esp

[35] BobbleheadsFTW_Final.esp

[36] TakingOutTheTrash.esp

[37] Pure_Lust.esp

[38] K2Clothes_BrownLeather03.esp

[39] K2Clothes_TartanMinis04.esp

[3A] SexyMantisArmor.esp

[3B] Sexy_Nurse_TYPE3.esp

[3C] DIM TYPE3 conversions.esp

[3D] AlternateStart.esp

Total Plugin File(s): [55]

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Purple/black stuff: Missing texture.

Giant Exclamation Mark: Missing Mesh (that is, the .nif file that contains the "shape" of the object)


Both mean you either didn't did the invalidate thingy or you misinstalled a mod.



As for load order, select everything from FOOK.esp to HairPack-MMM-FOOK-v1_3b.esp, and drag it to the end of the load order, then move clasic fallout weapons beta to be on right above of fook.esp.




Some mods are tough on the computer, specially retextures. The increased spawns of mart's mutant mod is also heavy on the computer, so is the motorcycle mod (when riding the bike ofc). A simple recommendation to prevent some crashes is to stay still when changing cells (that is, when you go through a door or the game slows down/stutters while walking on the wasteland) until the stuttering/slowdown stops.

Another recommendation is to close all programs and antivirus and all that before starting up fallout, the less stuff you have running, the smoother the game will run.

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  • 11 months later...

Please keep this to one topic. It only confuses people who are trying to help. I'm closing all the others, but I'll leave this one open.



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