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Morzan the LichLover

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Sypron... what was the point of that post? You didn't really say anything at all. Please avoid posts like that as they're considered pointless and spammy. Thanks. ;)


Hmm... do you mean making brand new buildings with new models, textures etc? If so that would be a pretty big undertaking and would require some help from modellers and such. If you mean just making Tel Uvirith bigger, I think there's already a mod out there that does that, isn't there? Try having a look around.

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The best thing to do would be looking at the scripts and exteriors associated with the stronghold, and use them as an example. Basically what you need to do is create your building exteriors, disable them via script, and enable them when the stronghold is built.
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First before building you will have to decide when you want all of this new stuff to appear, either when tel uvirith is at its first stage, second, or its biggest and most powerfull level 3.


once you have decided attach a script to every EXTERIOR object the script will be either "strong3 complete", "strong2 complete, or "strong1 complete" make sure it is like the ones used in tel vuirith itself.


The reason why you dont need to add the scripts to the iterior ones is because the only way to enter the building would be to coc your way there (because the door will not be there either)


hope this helps,



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there is a list of things disabled on startup in the char gen scripts... you wil have to add your exterior objects (name them somthing unique or you will kill alot of stuff) then you will have to add a new script to the startup to check the state of the stronghold built (once only for games you are already playing unless you want to start afresh) then find the stronghold scripts and add your objects to the lists of enabled objects when the thing is built... viola your all set.
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