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Blue rocks?


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What could be causing these small rocks to become half blue? I tried clicking on them in the console to get their name or disabling them but it doesn't work...


I have many mods installed, but I began to notice these rocks since I started using this combo: nat enb III, skyland AIO, majestic mountains, landscape for grass mods, landscape fixes for grass mods, tamrielic grass + tamrielic grass for enb complex grass


Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/sUIknZR.jpg

Edited by kaymre
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You can:

Install 'More Informative Console'

Then in game, you open console and click those rocks. It will tell you the base ID, as well (all way on the right) if any mod overloads the form. It also tells you the model file name but not its path. Same for textures.

Then you can go into SSEEdit, locate this Base world component, and find its .nif path.


However, unless you actually have that .nif as a loose file under Data\meshes, you would have to find which .bsa is supplying it. Normally it will be one of Skyrim - Meshes, but it could be getting overloaded by another mod with a .bsa.

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