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Which JoyStick?


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Sypron, if you think your post "shouldn't be here" then for pity's sake don't post it. :rolleyes: Please start a seperate thread for your question instead of being lazy and breaking the rules on thread hijacking. This is about being in the market for a gamepad/joystick, not just how to get one to work with Morrowind.


Anyways, I considered this a while back, and I think I decided it wouldn't really be worth it... when you think about it you have to use your mouse to do so much in the game, move things in your inventory or the game world, look around etc... even if you could get a joystick to do that I'm not sure it'd be better than a mouse. But I could be wrong. :P

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I did use a Joypad for Doom 2 back in the days. I've been trying it out in Counter Strike lately, and I just don't get a feel from it.


I don't recommend getting one, stick with your keyboard and mouse.


And yeah, this is my first post in the Morrowind section of the forums. :cool2:

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