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Please help to create a multi-menu MessageBox

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I am at loss. I read the Guide at wiki and another one at Nexus, but they are so complicated, and they only got me so far...

I want to make a book that prompts a MessageBox (above its actual contents, like in Oghma Infinium) with four initial choices when you read it both from the floor and from the inventory (hence both Activate and Equip beginnings). These choices being the three skill specializations and "exit" button. Upon clicking the specializations, another menu should appear with seven respective skills plus the "back" button. Each skill button should increase the respective skill with ModPCSkill command by one, while keeping you inside the same specialization menu. The "back" button should return you to the initial menu where you select specializations. It is way beyond my understanding. I only managed to make a single-layer menu that keeps you inside of it, when you choose the first three options.

ScriptName MyBook

short Choosing
short Choice

Begin OnActivate

Set Choosing to 1


Begin OnEquip

Set Choosing to 1


Begin MenuMode

If ( Choosing == 1 )
MessageBox "Select Specializations", "Combat", "Magic", "Stealth", "Exit"
Set Choosing to 2
Set Choice to -1
ElseIf ( Choosing == 2 )
If ( Choice == -1 )
Set Choice to GetButtonPressed
ElseIf ( Choice == 0 )
Set Choosing to 1
ElseIf ( Choice == 1 )
Set Choosing to 1
ElseIf ( Choice == 2 )
Set Choosing to 1
ElseIf ( Choice == 3 )
Set Choosing to 0

If ( Choosing == 0 )


Please, I have no background in coding and any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

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Here is a nice and tested example:

scn RomRMessageBoxesScript
short doOnce
short choice
short mbox

begin OnActivate Player
	if doOnce == 0
		set mbox to 1
		set choice to -1
		set doOnce to 1

begin GameMode
	;message boxes 
	if mbox == 1
		MessageBox "Message boxes test","Box 2","Box 3","Exit"
		set mbox to 0 - mbox
	if mbox == 2
		MessageBox "Box 2","Choice 1","Back"
		set mbox to 0 - mbox
	if mbox == 3
		MessageBox "Box 3","Choice 1","Choice 2","Back"
		set mbox to 0 - mbox
	if mbox < 0
		set choice to GetButtonPressed
	;process boxes
	if mbox == -1
		if choice == 0
			set mbox to 2
			set choice to -1
		elseif choice == 1
			set mbox to 3
			set choice to -1
		elseif choice == 2
			set mbox to 0
			set choice to -1
			set doOnce to 0
	if mbox == -2
		if choice == 0
			Message "You selected choice 1."
			set mbox to 0 - mbox
			set choice to -1
		elseif choice == 1
			set mbox to 1
			set choice to -1
	if mbox == -3
		if choice == 0
			Message "Selected choice 1."
			set choice to -1
			set mbox to 0 - mbox
		elseif choice == 1
			Message "Selected choice 2."
			set choice to -1
			set mbox to 0 - mbox
		elseif choice == 2
			set choice to -1
			set mbox to 1

It's using only one extra variable. Flipping to negative and positive value of this variable will show number of message box you want to show and its state too. Tested while attaching to some chest, but it can be easily adapted to your needs.

Edited by RomanR
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