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Permanent -Clairvoyance- ?


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sounds like the quest trails from Fable. the only problem is that the clairvoyance spell halts after a certain distance and you have to cast it again. if it could be scripted to update properly this my work as an sweet enchantment. Steel Helm of/of the Quester/Adventurer/Seer/Perception anyone? i like this idea too.

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the only problem is that the clairvoyance spell halts after a certain distance and you have to cast it again. if it could be scripted to update properly....


yes, this. without scripting, the spell could be set to cost zero magicka so you could cast it over and over again without having to wait for magicka to recharge. would only be necessary at lower levels though since it doesn't cost much (25).

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that mod has script that removes and reapplies the clairvoyance effect. in theory it should work but apparently it bugs the game. what we need is for the base effect to be re-scripted pretty much from the ground up. if there is a master scriptor up to the task, i salute you. waaaaaaay beyond me. i have a replacement mining script that reworks mining to be based on your smithing knowledge so i know re-scripting these effects and processes is not impossible just very, very difficult.

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