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Starfield is not Science Fiction


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Disregarding most of the OP, which is complete and utter nonsense and most of it is NOT a requirement for something to be Sci-Fi, Starfield is however indeed not a pure Sci-Fi, it is Space Opera, because it deals with




Space Magic, Higher beings and advanced non-physical states of existence with no scientific-like basis or explanation given

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this game is for people who are not longer happy with discovering open worlds like skyrim and fallout or in the meantime are bored of them and need new entertainment.

they will find no big new open world but instead open world fragments or cubes containing sci fi related items, a starship, npc, quests, fights and so on connected by menu and loading screens or if you reach the open world fragment boundary you get a message box telling you you reached the limit of the open world fragment with option to return to your ship. sounds fun, cool adventure and sci fi for many - but not at all for others including me. i am a fallout and skyrim fan but not convinced by this simple formula to buy such a game for 70 60 bucks - at least not currently. the hype did not caught me.

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The only thing flat earthers have to fear is sphere itself...


If the Moon landing was fake how do you know there's gas around it?


Look at you wanting logical consistency in a Flerfer argument :laugh:


Do your own research* globetard!




*By "research" I mean watching specific videos on YouTube that THE MAN™ doesn't want you to see and joining echo chamber Facebook groups. Only. Because everything else is a paid NASA shill.

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The only thing flat earthers have to fear is sphere itself...


If the Moon landing was fake how do you know there's gas around it?

hes mad isnt he dude, so he all ground crew, all goverment, all familys, all astronauts, all reporters....all years since, and not a bean of solid evidence that says we didnt go. its impossible..... the russians even had undercover spys in usa during that time and nobody ever found out anything remotely hoax... im all for a good conspiracy theory but dp you honestly think all those astronauts and pilots and scientists would have risked there lives and took alot of them.... for a hoax... these are men of science who have worked there whole life for that moment... people think they did it to bankrupt the russians, ill salute anyone who can keep the biggest worldwide event ever a secret for 64 years.... and regardless of science fiction, or fantasy... you are not piloting a real machine.... its a game... thats as far as it goes! do you think luke skywalker gives a s#*! that the whole star wars compilation there is never any form of zero gravity in space... he doesnt care, hes got a lightsaber and 2 droids as best pals and his daily transport is an x wing... hes high on midi-chlorians .


also in starfield , i was exploring mimus, moon... and found a lettuce in a box in middle of nowhere! are you telling me thats fictional! everyone leaves lettuces there!!

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The Earth is no more, so I doubt that statement. Even with the absolute worth condition, Earth would be far from a total collapse. Dr. de Grasse Tyson addressed that in an article once. While human made climate change is a fact, the conditions can never again be that bad as, let's say, in the Cambrian period. And even then, we'd still be far away from a total atmospheric collapse.
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Take jetpacks as another example. Today's tech that somehow miraculously works in the future, when it doesn't in the present.


Here are jetpacks totally not working today....



Look out of the window, see that green stuff? that's called grass, go out there and touch it.

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