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AVX FIX, similar to Cyberpunk 2077


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+1 to this,

Already asked some of the creators of the bypasses for cyberpunk.
Of the three I asked, only one answered till now, saying he can't/won't do it.
Still waiting on the other two for responses.

~Edited with new info~

Edited by drikozyt
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Also always wondered how people find the right ones using hex editor, and how they know what to change them to, especially when it comes to AVX instruction.

Yeah, If I had the knowledge I would do it myself, but it just looks like some sort of forbidden magic to me.

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К сожалению, чтобы работать с инструкциями AVX, вам нужны знания в вашей голове. 95% модов - это работа детей, раскрашивающих куртки и прочий ненужный мусор.

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