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AVX FIX, similar to Cyberpunk 2077


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It´s really just about ticking the AVX box in the compiler - or not in this case. The code can use SSE or software instead. It will be a bit slower, but not much, and for AVX capable CPUs you can easily add a check as mentioned before.


CP2077 did it without issues, so it would just be beneficial for all.


This leads to another point concerning AVX: Stability !

If you have OCed your rig, then AVX tends to crash an otherwise stable system. CPUs produce a lot of heat using AVX, more than without using it, which leads to decreased stability for OCed CPUs.


Removing AVX, or making it optional, would open up a bunch of new players and give existing ones a more stable experience. All while taking nothing away in terms of performance - the game has other problems in that regard, meaning it´s optimized quite bad.


Please, someone with the skills, mod AVX out of Starflield! ;)

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No, I'm not wrong. I used the Intel SDE to emulate a CPU that HAS AVX instructions... and low and behold the .exe opens. Slow as hell because of emulation, but it works. AVX is a REQUIREMENT for the .exe to even load. At all.



Oh my gosh....you have no idea what you are talking about. Please quit it and if you have no interest in this mod then please leave.

To clarify:

Intel SDE emulates CPU-features....all of them. You can't specify which feature you want to emulate. You just can specify the type of CPU.

So even if your CPU has the feature it will still be emulated by SDE. This is why it is so slow.

You are correct by saying it is a requirement for the binary to load at all....but that's because it was compiled that way. They just need to recompile it with AVX-switch set to FALSE. The AVX-feature is nothing games make use of....especially the CREATION-engine which is also used in Starfield.


... that was my point. That I wasn't wrong that the .exe requires AVX to load. That was my entire point. Period. So, I have no idea what you're on about. I wasn't talking about anything else but AVX.

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Well, you can wait a long time, I think we need to find these people ourselves and offer to do the work with avx

I sent the guy, jensandree, a message... Let´s hope he replies and has an idea.


He is one of the guys who modded AVX out of Cyberpunk before the official patch. I don´t know the other ones.

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Well, you can wait a long time, I think we need to find these people ourselves and offer to do the work with avx

I sent the guy, jensandree, a message... Let´s hope he replies and has an idea.


He is one of the guys who modded AVX out of Cyberpunk before the official patch. I don´t know the other ones.


I don’t know how to contact him, but the first avx fix was made by a guy with the nickname m1k3im, and uploaded to the nexus by Maks13372281337. Maybe it's one person.
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"Strange" people write, - "change your old stuff, it's outdated." I have a question, why should I change it? For what, for the sake of this craft, gray, dull, unoptimized, I've seen enough streams and reviews to understand that this is far from Skyrim and not even Fallout 4, not to mention Witcher 3 and the latest Baldur's Gate 3. For those who don't understand hardware, my Xeon X5675 (6*4400) works fine in Cyberpunk 2077 and God of War at 70-100 FPS on ultra, (this is what I have after removing AVX from these games), RDR2 and other games feel the same. What do I need to change and why?!

Now about Starfield, does anyone really think that working with AVX instructions was introduced into the game on the ancient Creation Engine developed in 2011 and systematically twisted to the limit? Most likely, this is protecting yourself from unnecessary haight, since this craft slows down literally on everything)) or for the sake of global corporations that need to sell the next marketing junk!

For the "smartest advisers" - do not climb where you do not understand, from the word at all!

(Sorry, auto-translation)


AIDA64 CPU Queen


Edited by vik24328
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In case someone want´s to try the SDE route:




"C:\Starfield\sde-external-9.24.0-2023-07-13-win\sde.exe" -ivb -- "C:\Starfield\Starfield.exe"


This is damn slow, but u can try. It was posted in the SF AVX thread on reddit.


The SDE tool can also be used to find the AVX calls in the code I think. But I have no idea, how to proceed... Perhaps a solution could be to tell SDE to just emulate the AVX and not the whole CPU, as that´s what makes it so slow. But that seems to be impossible with this tool.

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In case someone want´s to try the SDE route:




"C:\Starfield\sde-external-9.24.0-2023-07-13-win\sde.exe" -ivb -- "C:\Starfield\Starfield.exe"


This is damn slow, but u can try. It was posted in the SF AVX thread on reddit.


The SDE tool can also be used to find the AVX calls in the code I think. But I have no idea, how to proceed... Perhaps a solution could be to tell SDE to just emulate the AVX and not the whole CPU, as that´s what makes it so slow. But that seems to be impossible with this tool.


SDE route doesn't work. Tried everything I could with it. Got as far as building shader caches before crashing. But it takes like 15 minutes for it to even load that far.

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